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Politics Platform Comparison |
Principles The Environment Hidden Agenda |
Mortgaged Future Hall of Shame You're Wrong |
Pamphlet Announcement Speech |
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Democrat 2000
platform |
Eshoo's 2004 platform |
2000 platform |
Chris Haugen's 1998
platform |
Brian Holtz's platform |
Priorities |
? |
1. Homeland security.
solvency of Social Security and Medicare. 3..HMO reform and Medicare
drug benefits. |
? | 1. Reduce taxes.
2..Defederalize education. |
1. Privatize Social Security
& Medicare. 2..Eradicate corporate welfare. 3..Market-based
environmentalism. |
CA-14 District
Pork |
N/A |
Port of Redwood City; Pillar Point. Moffett Field. Vineyard pests. R&D tax credit. San Mateo fuel-cell buses. BART. E. Palo Alto shuttle. Broadband tax credit. | N/A |
? |
Eliminate all pork for all
districts. |
Personal Liberty | Democrat platform |
Eshoo's 2004 platform |
Republican platform |
Chris Haugen's 1998
platform |
Holtz's platform |
Expression | Restrict campaign spending.
Punish criminals for bias. |
Public financing of federal candidates. Restrict third-party issue ads near elections. Instant runoff voting. Punish criminals for bias. | Ban flag burning. Restrict
immoral sexual expression. |
Maintain campaign
contribution limits. Term limits for Congress. |
Ban only defamation.
Unrestricted campaign contributions & spending, but require instant
e-disclosure. Instant runoff voting. |
Religion |
No government religious observance when attendance mandatory. | ¬ | Allow voluntary prayer in
schools. Allow posting Ten Commandments on government property. |
Allow voluntary prayer in
school and other public places. Allow acknowledging God on government
property and in government insignia. |
No government religious
when attendance mandatory. |
Psychotropics |
Continue drug bans. Provide
treatment on demand. |
Legalize medicinal marijuana.
Legalize possession of small amounts of marijuana. |
Continue drug bans; repeal
exclusion of improperly- seized evidence. |
¬ | Allow adults to decide what
substances to consume. No prior restraint, but massive punishment for
negligence |
Sexuality | Allow bans on non-private or
commercial sexual behavior. |
¬ | Allow bans on immoral sexual
behavior. |
¬ | Allow grownups to decide what
behaviors to consent to |
Birth and
Death |
Ban cloning. Alow bans on sales of reproductive tissues and services. | ¬ | Ban cloning. Ban sales of reproductive tissues and services. | ¬ | Allow any consensual
reproductive behavior that does
violate the rights of sentient humans. Allow suicide and court-approved
guardian-approved euthenasia |
Arms |
Ban assault rifles. Mandate safety locks, waiting period, background checks. | Ban assault rifles. Mandate
safety locks, waiting period, background checks. License all gun
ownership. National ballistics database. |
Instant background checks. No
gun registration. |
Repeal all restrictions on
gun ownership by law-abiding citizens. |
Allow private ownership only
aimed single-target non-automatic weapons |
Risk-Taking |
? |
? |
gambling via Internet and by student athletes. |
¬ | Decriminalize all consensual
gambling. Repeal seatbelt and helmet laws. |
Personal Security |
Negative Externalities | Stricter air and water pollution regulations. Car fuel efficiency rules. Encourage alternative fuels. International global warming treaty. | Stricter air and water
regulations. Car fuel efficiency rules. Encourage alternative fuels.
Re-enter Kyoto global warming treaty. |
Market-based incentives and
state/local flexibility to meet environmental standards. |
Encourage alternative fuels
to reduce pollution. |
Tax products/transactions for
pollution caused. Allow trading of emissions licenses. |
Justice |
Federal funding of local
police. Support victims' rights. Drug testing & treatment for
prisoners. No racial profiling. Federalize prosecution of violence
against women. |
¬ | Local responsibility for law
enforcement. Relax exclusionary rule. Increased penalties for drug
crimes. Support victims' rights. |
Broaden death penalty.
"Reduce sentences for non-violent crimes." "Increase penalties for
selling illegal drugs." [Yep, he says both!] |
Support death penalty.
Relax exclusionary rule only if massive penalties for transgressing
police. Support victims' rights. |
Privacy |
Right to audit accuracy and
monitor use of information about self. |
Restrict commercial use of
information collected through voluntary e-transactions. |
"Govt has responsibility to
protect personal privacy". Applauds benefits from "legitimate use of
data with appropriate safeguards". |
¬ | Allow any non-fraudulent use
information derived from voluntary associations. |
Economic Liberty | Democrat platform |
Eshoo's 2004 platform |
Republican platform |
Chris Haugen's 1998
platform |
Holtz's platform |
Employment |
minimum wage, maximum hours, plant closure notice, family leave, "equal
pay for equal work", numeric goals in minority hiring. Exempt unions
from antitrust. |
Job training for displaced
unskilled workers. Subsidies for employer childcare. Increase minimum
wage. Ban permanent replacement of strikers. Affirmative action in
federal hiring. |
Mandate minimum wage, maximum hours. Oppose mandatory union membership. | Reduce government regulation.
Ban government affirmative action and discrimination (except for gender
preference). Allow private discrimination. |
Allow informed consenting
peaceful adults to
enter any non-fraudulent employment relationship |
Consumption |
Professional licensure, product safety rules, building codes. Manufacturing import restrictions. | Energy price controls. |
Professional licensure, product safety rules, building codes. Farm subsidies and import restrictions. | ¬ | Mandate truth in labeling;
prosecute fraud, enforce liability. |
Real Property | Zoning, growth controls, urban planning, rent control. | ¬ | Zoning. Oppose rent control. |
Compensate owners when
environmental regulations restrict property rights. |
Enforce nuisance laws;
restrict eminent domain to infrastructure needs; tax property for
infrastructure impact |
Property |
Copyright: 75 yrs for
corporations, life + 50 yrs for persons. Ban copying technologies. |
¬ | Copyright: 75 yrs for corporations, life + 50 yrs for persons. Ban copying technologies. | ¬ | Eliminate most forms of
copyright. Restrict patent tenure, tighten obviousness rule. |
Economic Security |
Resources |
¬ | ¬ | Auction access to unowned
natural resources. |
& Shelter |
Increase funding for child
programs. Support housing assistance for low-income families. Direct
federal poverty aid through non-discriminatory non-profit organizations. |
Defederalize and greatly
decrease welfare, housing projects. |
De-federalize. State-provided
negative income tax, partly in form of food and housing vouchers. |
Health Care |
Universal federal health
insurance. Lower Medicare eligibility to 55. Medicare prescription drug
benefit. Ban binding arbitration in insurance policies. |
Maintain Medicare, Medicaid.
Lower Medicare eligibility to 55. Limit malpractice damages. |
De-federalize. State-provided safety net of basic healthcare. Tax incentives for employer-independent portable personal health insurance. | ||
Education |
National student testing.
Teacher testing and merit pay Charter schools. Increased federal
funding. Affirmative action in college admissions. |
De-federalize. States should give parents personal control of spending for their childrens' education. | De-federalize. States should give parents personal control of spending for their childrens' education. | ||
Retirement |
Oppose Social Security privatization. | Partially privatize Social
Security. Invest part of SS trust funds in stocks/bonds instead of
T-bills. |
Privatize Social Security.
Trim benefits for retirees who have already recouped all
contributions + interest + inflation. |
Macroeconomic Policy |
Government Finance | Increase cigarette taxes.
Eliminate estate tax for estates less than $6M. Expand IRAs. No AMT on
unrealized stock options profit. |
Balanced budget amendment.
Supermajority to raise taxes. Cut taxes: flat income tax, eliminate
estate tax. National sales tax. Eliminate IRS. |
Line-item veto. Supermajority
for tax rate increases or spending increases beyond population +
inflation. |
Money |
¬ | ¬ | Steady money supply growth to
limit inflation. |
Markets |
¬ | ¬ | Police fraud but otherwise
deregulate. Insider trades allowed if instantly epublished. |
Monopoly |
¬ | ¬ | Relax but not eliminate antitrust law. | ||
Monopoly |
¬ | ¬ | Regulate local physical networks, but deregulate content and supply | ||
Transnational Affairs |
Interplanetary | ? |
? |
? |
? |
Monitor Earth-crossing
asteroids. |
Global |
Aid for allies and
disaster-struck nations. Multilateral diplomacy; no pre-emptive
war. Support UN, NAFTA, GATT, WTO. Trade sanctions for
environmental and labor violations. |
Withdraw from the UN, NAFTA,
GATT, WTO. Retaliatory tariffs. |
Promote political/economic freedom. Fight tyranny when benefits to human freedom outweigh costs. Multilateral when possible, unilateral if necessary. Free trade, except sanctions for international externalities (e.g. warming). | ||
Asia |
Diplomatic pressure on N.
Aid for Afghanistan. |
¬ | Nuclear deproliferation.
Encourage China liberalization. |
Europe |
¬ | ¬ | Support NATO expansion. |
Islam |
Two-state solution to
Palestinian conflict. |
Discontinue leadership role
in Israeli- Palestinian peace process. |
Oppose non-representative
government, incl. Israeli occupaton of W. Bank. |
Military | Cancel missile defenses. |
Greatly increase missile
defenses. |
Cancel missile defenses and
strategic bombers (B2) as unworkable. |
Franchise |
Non-Citizens | Citizenship path for
illegal immigrants. |
Deny some govt benefits to
illegal aliens? |
No automatic citizenship for
US-born children of illegal immigrants. Allow states to deny services
to illegal immigrants and their children. Establish English as official
language. |
Liberalize immigration for
English-fluent skilled workers. Legalize illegals as temporary workers. |
Fetuses |
No rights until birth. |
Illegal after viability,
to save life of mother. Allow stem cell research and therapeutic
cloning. |
"Unborn child has a
individual right to life". Ban stem cell research. Extra penalty if
assault harms fetus. |
Abortions should be legal only when the life of the woman is endangered | Rights a function of neural
development: no abortion after ~24 weeks except to save life of mother. |
Gender Pref |
No government discrimination,
including in marriage. Restrict
right not to associate. |
Allow gay marriage. |
No gay marriage. No "special legal protection". Protect private right not to associate |
No government discrimination, including in marriage. Protect private right not to associate |
Species |
Ban inhumane animal treatment. | Limit the number of habitats
protected as endangered. |
Prevent extinction when at
feasible. Ban inhumane animal treatment. |