I'm a software engineer running for Congress in your district here on
the Peninsula. I work at Yahoo in Sunnyvale,
and I live in San Carlos with my wife and two daughters.
Why are you running for Congress?
I'm running so voters in our district can stand up for the intelligent
alternative to discredited
liberalism and obsolete conservatism. That alternative is
Libertarianism, which is neither Left nor
Right, but combines social tolerance with market-smart
solutions in health care, retirement security, education and the
You'll pay me $5?
I'm so confident in these Libertarian solutions that I challenge any
voter in my district: if you read enough of my website to pass a short quiz on my
positions, and
you can still say you won't
vote for me, then I'll mail you $5 cash. (Payouts capped at $5000, and
you must send a stamped self-addressed envelope.)
Why waste my vote?
Eshoo has won her last four elections by a 2-to-1 margin. She
outspent this year's Republican opponent 10-to-1 when she crushed him
in 1998, and this year is just a repeat. Don't waste your vote
ratifying Eshoo's predetermined victory. Like the 98% of Congress that
wins re-election, she buys your votes with debt and
that today's children will have to pay for. They can't vote, but we can.
What do you stand for?
I'm a fiscal conservative and social liberal. I stand up against corporate
welfare and selfish special interests. I'd vigorously protect
environment by legally recognizing its economic value. I'd put
education dollars directly in the hands of parents and make schools
to satisfy them, because education is too important to be a government
monopoly. To fully compare me and my Libertarian colleagues to
visit the League of Women Voters' smartvoter.org.
Brian Holtz
Libertarian candidate for Congress
CA-14 (Saratoga/Sunnyvale to Belmont, Scotts Valley to Half Moon

P.S. The voluntarily-disclosed email addresses of registered
voters are available to any candidate by state law [EC2194(2)].
This will be my only such email for this election. To
never receive mass email from me again, click here.
This email is
from me, Brian Holtz, and not from any unit of the Libertarian Party.
I personally bond this email as not spam. If
this email was so
unwelcome that you want to sanction me, then click here.
For each recipient who does so, I will donate $1 to SpamCon's anti-spam legal defense