Don't Waste Your Vote
Rep. Eshoo has won her last four elections by a 2-to-1 margin.
Don't waste your vote ratifying Eshoo's predetermined victory.
Don't let the entrenched parties take your vote for
Instead, cast a clear and unambiguous vote for the
policies of the 21st century: personal freedom and
responsibility, free and fair markets, and smart
Each U.S. Child Owes $94,000
Each U.S.
citizen owes $94,000 in government debt and unfunded
liability: $24,000 Federal debt $
5,000 State/Local debt $31,000
Social Security liability $30,000
Medicare liability $ 4,000
Federal pension liability
Privatize Social Security
and Medicare, and replace them with a de-federalized per-state
safety net for the poor.
Holtz: $94,000 in debt
98% of Congress wins
re-election, buying votes with debt and promises that Shannon will
have to pay for. To Rep. Eshoo I ask: is your incumbency important
enough to bill Shannon $94K for it? Can't you win office without
buying votes?

a Yahoo!
engineer and Libertarian running for Congress against 7-term
incumbent Anna Eshoo in Silicon Valley.
I've been
a software engineer on the Peninsula since 1990, first at Sun
Microsystems and now at Yahoo. My wife Melisse is a California
native and a financial analyst at Genentech. We have two daughters
living at home in San Carlos and a baby boy living in our hearts.
Check out
my website at If you can pass a short
quiz there on my positions, and still say you won't vote
for me, then
will send you $2
Also at
Detailed platform * Candidate comparison * TV
news coverage * Campaign weblog * Candidate
chat * Frequently Asked Qs * Special interests I stand
up to * Our threatened environment * Our children's
mortgaged future ... and much more! 650-654-6589 23
Whitman Ct., San Carlos CA 94070
Libertarian Difference
think government should be our nanny. Republicans think
government should be our chaperone. Libertarians think
government should just be our referee and
Democrats interfere with our
economic freedoms. Republicans interfere with our personal
freedoms. Both parties buy votes from selfish special
Libertarians are neither left nor right,
neither liberal nor conservative. Libertarians advocate both
economic and personal liberty.
Libertarians want to get the Republicans out of your bedroom,
and the Democrats out of your wallet.
Admit it
-- your views are closer to modern libertarianism than to bankrupt
liberalism or obsolete conservatism. So
why waste your vote reinforcing the old-fashioned polarization
between left and right? The only wasted vote is the one that
doesn't express your principles.
Libertarians Stand For
Libertarians think government should
prevent coercion
and fraud,
protect the
provide a safety
net, and
regulate roads/pipes/wires,
otherwise recognize the freedom and responsibility of
peaceful honest adults to control their own bodies, actions,
speech, and property, working and playing together as they see
Charge polluters for the cost of
their pollution: auction emissions licenses, tax dirty fuels, etc.
Profit-seeking firms will then have a permanent and automatic
incentive for improving the environment.