Jason hat: california national guard
Thomas: defense cost-sharing
[Big Water Utah had an all-LP city council]
Brian: impose the cost of mandatory benefits on business and industry. => interfere with the rights of employers and employees to enter into voluntary employment contracts
M: all taxes should be voluntary
Starchild:  children's rights
Brian San Bernardino:  doctor licensing
M resigns over seating of Jonathan Zwickel
Edward:  no fractional-reserve banking unless explicit in deposit contract
Ted: no drivers licenses 8-2
Ted: authorize arrest of federal agents 6-4
Ted: no federal biometric driver's license.
Ted: While Libertarian disagree abot the morality and deterrence value of capital punishment, it is well-document that many innocent people have been falsely condemned to death. For this reason, we call for an moratorium on the death penalty, and its replacement with life in prison without possibility of parole.  8-2
Brian: individual or corporation => individual, corporation, union, or any other organization 8-1-1

money an individual or corporation  => organization

consensual sexual activity => "reproductive or" [cf. 11. Reproductive]

Proposal 9: germane
Starchild: per-county
Ed San Diege chair: proportional representation
Proposal 13: Allan Rice opposed
Santa Barbara chairman BJ: opposed  negative natl delegate votes