Dan Minkoff
Jerry Dixon
Paul Studier
Don Patterson
John Seebeck (5)
Mike Seebeck
Ali Martin
Eric Bresson
Dixon. SDLP treasurer. Dues. Recent check for 19 members,
$450. 16/19 duplicate payments, 6 joined in December but no
payment.. 20 new members (Nov-Apr) not paid for. 6 of 19
-> $15 instead of $30. Solution would be separation of dues
between county and state. Collect separately.
Don Patterson, secretary. OC new chair Bill Todd. Paul Studier is
OC Ambassador to monitor ExCom.
Lydia: legislative action. AB1634. Legislative action has worked
in Colorado, modified a bill that would have killed the LPCO.
Chair report. Raised $1000 including 2 coffee club
memberships. Commend Terry Van Kirk on eFlyer. Create
membership advisory committee to collect information. Zander
moved to give notice via email of meetings. Cmte created
Newell. eFlyer. Legislative analysts. ACLU NorCal has
58K dues-paying members.
Cowles. Criticized recalcitrant fundraiser.
Minkoff elected 12-0 w/ 1 abstention
Selzer elected 11-4 for NOTA
Budget passed 10-3-2. 3: Holtz Johnson Barnes 2: Dovner
cowles 12
mcmahon 11
carling seebeck weiner 9
weber 8
dixon 5
starr 4
starchild 2
Audit: jerry dixon. holtz nominated mark johnson, allen rice.
dovner 13
barnes 11
holtz wesson 9
cornell 8
sweeney 7
nota 1
Candidate recruitment Brown:
campaign support committee: Cowles 3000 Starr 1000 Collier