Is there an issue? Is it an issue to non-Libertarians? It
should be current, and relevant.
The statement should control the debate rather than invite
The issue should be stated from a Libertarian viewpoint rather than a
liberal or conservative viewpoint.
The statement of the issue should recognize an infringement of rights
compromising of individual liberty.
The issue should be stated in shirtsleeve English, not in libertarian
philosophical jargon.
The statement of the issue should recognize where government action has
failed to accomplish an end goal, and if possible
has worsened a social problem.
The application of principle must be specific to the stated issue
than a general comment on philosophy?
The principle should state a right of individuals relevant to the
The statement of principle should be in language understandable by
The statement of principle must recognize that human fallibility is
acceptable, and must not pretend to overcome it.
Solutions must be private sector solutions to social problems rather
public sector.
Solutions must be implementable by individuals acting voluntarily.
Solutions must depend on social power in the Nockian sense rather than
political power.
Solutions must recognize that the social goal is desired by
but must focus on changing the means rather than denying the ends.
Solutions must positively state a solution rather than negatively
demanding an end to the current government one.
Solutions must be realistic rather than utopian.
Transitional steps must be reasonable and accomplish a step towards the
Transitional steps must be achievable, realistic, and be a modification
of existing situations.
Transitional steps must indicate what Libertarians would replace the
current situation with.
If the step is a repeal of legislation it should be stated,
X in favor of…”
Steps should tie to already accomplished previous steps where