Libertarian Party 1996
National Campaign Platform
A First Step Toward Freedom
Harry Browne For President
Government doesn't work. It can't deliver the
mail on time, it doesn't keep our cities
safe, it doesn't educate our children.
Government programs have failed. Government
reforms have failed. Democratic and
Republican politicians have failed.
Government doesn't work.
Still, whatever the issue, Republican and
Democratic politicians propose more
government as the answer -- even when, as is
usually the case, it is government that has
caused the problem.
Libertarians stand for individual liberty,
self-responsibility, and freedom from
government -- on all issues at all times. If
there's a problem, our first question is not,
"How can government solve this problem," but
"What government program must be eliminated
to improve this situation?"
We are the only party dedicated to
dramatically reducing government -- and doing
it now, not in some pie-in-the-sky future
We are the only party that recognizes that
the federal government has expanded far
beyond the small, limited government
envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
We are the only party that believes the Bill
of Rights is an absolute document, to be
taken literally. Government has no right to
violate the Bill of Rights in any
This means:
You, and every other person, have the right
to speak and write freely -- on paper, on the
airwaves, on the Internet -- even if the
government and the politicians don't like
what you say.
You have the right to keep and bear arms --
even if some lunatic shoots up a restaurant
in Texas.
You have a right to be safe from
unreasonable search and seizure -- even if a
DEA agent thinks you fit his profile of a
drug dealer.
You have a right to financial privacy --
even if an IRS agent demands to know
everything about you.
You have a right to the full use of your
own property -- even if some bureaucrat wants
to declare your backyard a wetlands.
Because politicians have long disregarded the
limitations of the Constitution, the federal
government has exploded in size. It is
intrusive, oppressive, and obscenely
expensive. And we the people suffer from all
its failed programs.
Government doesn't work. Its War on Poverty
has expanded poverty. Its War on Drugs has
created a huge, illicit drug industry,
escalated drug use, and generated a crime
wave in every American city.
Still, politicians of both old political
parties insist that the next government
program will work, will pay for itself, will
improve America, will solve some social
But government doesn't work.
The overriding question in this Presidential
election is: How can we make the federal
government much smaller?
Democratic and Republican politicians try to
pose as supporters of smaller government. But
on issue after issue, they still call on
government to solve problems.
The differences among them are trivial. But
the differences between their positions and
those of Harry Browne, the Libertarian
candidate, are as night and day.
1. Reducing Government
Democratic and Republican politicians are
both responsible for the overbloated $1.6
trillion federal government. Republican
Presidents and Republican Congresses,
Democratic Presidents and Democratic
Congresses have all served to make government
bigger and bigger and bigger.
With the exception of the retrenchment period
after World War II, every President --
Republican or Democrat -- since Calvin
Coolidge has left a government that's bigger
than the one he inherited. We have to stop
this trend.
Today, with the American public
overwhelmingly anti-politician and anti-government,
politicians of both parties try
to convince us that they, too, are for
"smaller government," "lower taxes," "less
regulation." But the specific proposals they
make will all lead to bigger government.
Democratic politicians play games by
"reinventing government," even though every
reform they propose makes government bigger
and more expensive.
Republican politicians play games by
proposing to close down Departments of the
federal government, even though they intend
to transfer the functions and expenses of
those Departments to other agencies --
leaving government just as big as ever.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
says government doesn't work -- and he wants
to remove the federal government immediately
and completely from every activity not
specified in the Constitution -- education,
energy, regulation, crime control, welfare,
housing, transportation, health care,
agriculture, and all the other areas the
federal government has stuck its nose into
unconstitutionally over the past 60 years.
2. The Income Tax
The enormous tax increases of 1982, 1983,
1990, and 1993 show that neither of the old
parties stands for lower taxes. Republican
and Democratic politicians alike are quite
willing to raise your taxes anytime, on any
Today they try to convince us that they have
changed, that "We are all low-taxers now."
But their proposals would only rearrange the
existing tax burden. Because they have no
concrete plans to reduce government
significantly, there is no way they can lower
your taxes significantly.
The income tax is the biggest government
intrusion into the lives of the American
people. It forces every worker to be a
bookkeeper, to open his records to the
government, to explain his expenses, to fear
conviction for a harmless accounting error.
Compliance wastes hundreds of billions of
dollars. The income tax penalizes savings and
creates an enormous drag on the U.S. economy.
It is incompatible with a free society.
We must get rid of hundreds of federal
programs, but we can't remove them one at a
time, because each program has beneficiaries
and supporters who will fight us. We can
overcome their resistance only by combining
all the spending cuts into a single package
that includes the largest tax cut in American
history -- the total repeal of the federal
income tax. That way most people can see that
they'll save far more in taxes than they lose
in subsidies.
By combining the reduction of government with
the repeal of the income tax, every voter
will know that the price of keeping today's
federal programs is to continue paying the
income tax. Every voter will know exactly how
much he can gain by eliminating the complete
package of unconstitutional programs.
But this isn't what politicians of the two
old parties want. They like the power that
comes from controlling your income.
Democratic politicians like a progressive
income tax that's based on the "ability to
pay" -- meaning that those who have earned
the most by doing the most for others should
be penalized the most. But their
"progressive" tax rates somehow always hit
middle-class Americans the hardest.
Republican politicians pretend to be
helping us by proposing to end the current
version of the income tax, and replace it
with a giant sales tax -- or with a "flat
tax" that contains so many wrinkles, it's
actually just another progressive tax. But
because they aren't reducing government, they
are merely rearranging the same oppressive
tax burden.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
wants to end the income tax and abolish the
IRS his first year in office and replace them
with nothing. By reducing the federal
government to its Constitutional functions,
we can do away with all direct taxes -- the
income, estate, gift, capital gains, and
Social Security taxes -- financing national
defense and the federal judiciary with the
level of tariffs and excise taxes being
collected already. Harry Browne makes this
offer to every American: Would you give up
all your favorite federal programs -- such
things as farm subsidies, student loans, the
Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and any
other programs -- in order to be free of the
income tax forever?1
3. Social Security
Social Security is a fraudulent insurance
scheme in which the government collects money
from you for your retirement and immediately
spends the money on something else. All polls
show that an overwhelming majority of
Americans have little hope of getting back a
single dollar for the 15% of their wages
they're pouring into it.
Democratic politicians deny what every
working American knows: The Social Security
system is bankrupt and close to collapse.
Republican politicians want to keep Social
Security afloat through tax increases and
benefit reductions -- including raising the
retirement age, invoking a means test, and
changing the cost of living index on which
yearly changes are calculated.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
knows the only way to avoid the coming Social
Security collapse is to get the government
completely out of Social Security. He wants
to sell trillions of dollars worth of
unneeded federal assets to finance the
liquidation of Social Security through the
purchase of private retirement annuities for
the senior citizens who are dependent on
Social Security. These people will have
guaranteed contracts with private companies
who have never broken their promises -- unlike
the U.S. Congress. And you will never again
have to pay the 15% Social Security tax --
which is really just throwing part of your
wages down a rathole.
4. Government Spending
In their Alice-in-Wonderland world, when
politicians talk about smaller government,
they don't mean a government that is actually
smaller. They mean a government that is
smaller than some hypothetical government
that is much larger than today's government.
In other words, to a politician, "smaller
government" means government that doesn't
grow as fast he wants.
Democratic politicians want a "smaller
government" that continues to grow by 4% a
Republican politicians want a "smaller
government" that continues to grow by 3% a
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
knows that government doesn't work. He
doesn't just want to stop government growth --
he proposes slashing the federal budget 50%
the first year as a first step.
5. Balanced Budget
An unbalanced budget isn't just a bookkeeping
curiosity. Every debt incurred on your behalf
by the politicians means you have to pay a
larger interest cost every year. Today we are
paying $275 billion a year in interest
expense, which means we are continuing to pay
for long-since-abandoned, long-forgotten
schemes by the politicians of yesteryear --
schemes that were going to make health care
more affordable, that were going to improve
education, that were going to clean up the
environment. The schemes failed, the
politicians retired with generous pensions,
and we are left paying the interest expense
year after year after year.
We must get rid of that interest expense by
retiring the entire federal debt. But first,
we must put a stop to the growing debt by
balancing the budget immediately.
Republican politicians want to increase
federal spending for seven more years,
pretending that a future Congress will
balance the budget by making spending cuts
the current Congress is unwilling to make.
Democratic politicians want to increase
federal spending for seven more years,
pretending that a future Congress will
balance the budget by making spending cuts
the current Congress is unwilling to make.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
plans to balance the budget his first year in
office by reducing government spending. He
also plans to sell off federal assets -- and
use the proceeds to pay off the federal debt
6. Welfare
Prior to the 1960s, the word "welfare" was
rarely used in conversation. Instead, people
spoke of "charity" -- administered by
churches, service clubs, foundations, the
United Way, and other agencies. "Welfare" was
a small department in the back of City Hall
somewhere. The notion that someone could be
permanently on the dole was virtually unheard
Today millions of Americans have been
consigned to a lifetime of poverty,
dependency, disrespect, and hopelessness as
permanent wards of the state. The welfare
laws, tax laws, minimum wage laws, and other
regulations discourage them from leaving
welfare to become self-supporting citizens.
This is what the American people have
received for the trillions of their dollars
the politicians have wasted on a bizarre plan
to have government do away with poverty.
Democratic politicians have various plans
to "reform" welfare, even though every
previous welfare reform bill has increased
the cost and the number of people on welfare.
Republican politicians want to send federal
welfare money to the state governments, tied
up in a multitude of strings.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
knows that federal welfare doesn't work. It
has consigned millions of Americans to a life
of dependency and despair, and it has cost us
trillions of dollars. He wants to end it
completely and immediately.
7. Education
There is no Constitutional authority for the
federal government to be involved in
education in any way whatsoever. The growing
amounts of money and control coming from
Washington have been matched by lower SAT
scores, declining standards, more dangerous
schools, and generations of Americans who
have no basic education in history,
geography, the Constitution, mathematics,
science, or literature.
This doesn't bother the politicians, however,
because they don't see federal aid to
education as a means of raising literacy and
Democratic politicians want to use federal
aid to education as a way to implement their
social agenda.
Republican politicians want to use federal
aid to education as a way to implement their
social agenda.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
knows that no federal educational program
will work, and he wants to get the federal
government out of education completely and
immediately. The most effective way we can
improve education in America is to repeal the
income tax, so that you can afford to educate
your child your way -- in a private school
that offers the curriculum you want, in a
religious school that teaches the values in
which you believe, or through home-schooling
conducted your way.
8. Crime & the War on Drugs
Before there were drug laws in America, there
were no drug problems. And prior to the
federal government's declaration of War on
Drugs in the 1960s, there were no muggers on
the street trying to support a $100-a-day
habit, no pushers on high school campuses
trying to hook children on drugs, no gangs
fighting over monopoly drug territories, no
drive-by shootings, no crack babies, no
overdose problems. Outside of the 14 years
during alcohol Prohibition, nothing like this
had ever been seen in America. It took the
War on Drugs to make it happen.
Democratic politicians like the War on
Drugs just as it is -- because they love the
power it gives the federal government.
Republican politicians want to accelerate
the War on Drugs -- by taking away more of
your Constitutional liberties, by taking away
more of your privacy, by turning America into
more of a police state.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
says the War on Drugs is a total failure.
Government can't keep drugs out of the
country; it can't even keep drugs out of its
own prisons. He wants to end the insane War
on Drugs -- which will take the criminal
profit out of the illicit drug trade and
bring peace to our cities once again. On his
first day in office, he will pardon everyone
who has been convicted of a non-violent
federal drug offense -- to empty the federal
prisons of the marijuana smokers and others
who are no threat to society, and make room
for the truly violent criminals and other
thugs who escape prison through early
releases and plea bargains to return to the
streets and terrorize our citizens.
9. Health Care
Today 51% of all health care dollars in
America are spent by government. This has run
up the prices of doctor visits, hospital
stays, and health insurance -- far outpacing
the rate of general inflation. Government has
failed utterly to make health care more
accessible or affordable. But the politicians
see this failure as an excuse to impose even
more government upon us.
Democratic politicians want to remake the
American health-care system in the image of
the disastrous European systems, attempting
to blame government's failures on the free
Republican politicians pass legislation
that will regulate the private health
insurance companies out of business, and will
lead to the imposition of a "single-payer,"
Canadian-style health system in America.2
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
says government health care doesn't work and
he wants to get government out from between
you and your doctor. By getting the federal
government completely out of health care, we
will have more choices, better health care,
and lower prices for doctor visits, hospital
stays, and health insurance.
10. The Federal Judiciary
The American judiciary was supposed to
protect the American people from politicians
and bureaucrats who wanted to overstep the
bounds of the Constitution. Instead, the
judiciary has been a main part of the
trashing of the Constitution. Judges talk
about "penumbras" in the Constitution. They
say the Constitution is a living, changing
document (which really means that it's a
dead, meaningless document). They throw out
the Bill of Rights on the grounds that the
government has a "compelling interest" in
overruling it.
Either the Constitution limits the government
or it doesn't.
Democratic politicians want the President
to appoint judges who will use the law to
implement their social agenda.
Republican politicians want the President
to appoint judges who will use the law to
implement their social agenda.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
will appoint only judges who consider the
Bill of Rights to be a literal, absolute
document that allows no exceptions to your
right to free speech, freedom of religion,
freedom to keep and bear arms, freedom to be
secure in your property, safe from search and
seizure. He will appoint only judges who take
the 9th and 10th amendments seriously, and
thus will not tolerate the federal government
involving itself in activities not authorized
by the Constitution.
11. Personal Values
The Constitution gives the federal government
no authority to tell us how to live our
lives. However, the politicians will not be
restrained. They want to govern every aspect
of our existence.
Both Democratic and Republican politicians
believe that Americans are dysfunctional
children who need government to act as their
parents. They both seek to impose their
values in the most intimate personal and
family relationships and admit to no limits
on their authority to do so.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
respects the right of all Americans to choose
and act on their own personal values, to work
together in their families and communities to
achieve the goals they set for themselves.
Americans throughout their history have
proven their ability to solve problems their
own way, without government interference.
12. Immigration
At one time, America attracted only those
from around the world who were seeking
freedom -- freedom from oppressive
governments, freedom to build a future for
their families through hard work. Today,
America attracts too many people who come
here only to take advantage of government
welfare benefits.
Republican politicians want to solve this
problem -- created by government -- by
putting another layer of government on top of
it. They want to keep out the productive
people along with the free-loaders, they want
to build a wall or a ditch along our borders,
and they want to beef up the military to
patrol the borders.
Democratic politicians don't know what they
believe on this issue, because the polls
aren't conclusive yet.
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
wants to dismantle the welfare state -- which
will automatically solve our immigration
problems. Once there is no more gravy train,
the only people who will want to come here
will be those who want the freedom to work
and to build a better life for their
13. National Defense & Foreign Policy
Our government has spent trillions of dollars
on the military since World War II, and yet
we are completely vulnerable to the whims of
any two-bit dictator who can get his hands on
a nuclear missile. And by involving ourselves
in a multitude of treaties around the world,
we are liable to be drawn into World War III
by a petty dispute between third-rate powers.
Republican politicians believe we must
defend our "national interests" by roaming
the world in search of trouble. And, somehow,
almost anything that happens anywhere is
cited as a threat to those national
interests. Consequently, the Republicans keep
us on the brink of trouble at all times.
Democratic politicians don't have a clear-cut
attitude toward foreign policy. But to
prove they're as tough as the Republicans,
they put our money and lives on the line in
the affairs of other countries all over the
Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate,
will bring American troops home to America at
once. He will remove us from the entangling
alliances that Thomas Jefferson warned us
against. He will see to it that America has a
proper defense against any missile attack, so
that we will no longer need retaliatory
weapons and intimidating military power. We
will be far safer than we are now, while
spending far less money on the military.
The overriding issue this election year is
smaller government.
And on that issue, there is no real
difference between the two old parties -- no
difference that could effect a real
improvement in your life now.
Only the Libertarians offer specific,
workable, credible proposals to dramatically
reduce the size, cost, and intrusiveness of
For years, you may have wasted your vote --
giving it to candidates who have served to
make government bigger and bigger. Don't
waste your vote again by giving it to
candidates like Bob Dole or Bill Clinton,
whose entire careers have been devoted to
making Big Government bigger.
It's time to make your vote count for a
change -- time to vote for someone who is
determined to make government much smaller
If you cast your vote wisely, you can make a
difference. But if you don't vote for what
you want, you are throwing your vote away.
If you want huge tax cuts now, vote for
them now.
If you want huge spending cuts now, vote
for them now.
If you want a balanced budget now, vote for
it now.
In other words, if you want much smaller
government now, vote for Harry Browne, the
Libertarian candidate for President.
Stop voting against what you're afraid of,
and start voting for what you want.
Vote for the only candidate who has the will
and determination to immediately reduce
government to a fraction of its size today.
Vote to take back your freedom, to take back
your life. Vote to end the income tax and
abolish the IRS. Vote to keep your earnings
in your hands -- to spend, to save, to give
away as you see fit.
Vote to affirm your support for the small and
limited Constitutional Government given to us
by the Founding Fathers.
This year, vote for:
Harry Browne for President
Libertarians for Congress and the Senate
Libertarians in state and local races.
This year, don't waste your vote.
Vote Libertarian.
1 A proposed six-year federal budget, showing
revenues and expenditures, is laid out in
chapter 24 of Why Government Doesn't Work by
Harry Browne (245 pages, St. Martin's Press,
available at any bookstore, $19.95).
2 The Kennedy-Kassenbaum bill was passed 100-0
in the Senate in May 1996; a similar bill
was passed in the House. It compels private
insurance companies to issue unprofitable
policies -- guaranteeing that insurance
premiums will rise, leading the politicians
to impose price controls, and driving the
insurance companies out of business.