Minutes of the Meeting of the
Libertarian Party National Committee
5 September 1993
Salt Lake City, Utah

  NatCom Members Present:
    Chair        Steve Dasbach
    Secretary    John Famularo
    Treasurer    Hugh Butler
    At Large     Sharon Ayers
                 Tamara Clark
                 Ron Crickenberger
                 Don Ernsberger
                 Gary Johnson
    Region 1  -  James Dan,         Alt - Gus Hercules
    Region 2  -  Williamson M. Evers, Thea McLean
    Region 3  -  Joe Hauptman,      Alt - Steven R. Linnabary
    Region 4  -  Gary Ilardi,       Alt - Harold Scott Benson
    Region 5  -  Dan Karlan ,       Alt - Jesse Markowitz
    Region 6  -  Alt- Pamela C. Haberkorn
    Region 7  -  Robert H. Franke,  Alt - Jeanne Bojarski
    Region 8  -  Joe Barnett,       Alt - Tom Paswater

1. Call to order:

The regular meeting of the Libertarian Party National Committee was called to order by the Chair Steve Dasbach at 4:15 pm MT at the Marriot Hotel in Salt Lake City, Utah

2. Credentials:

The Secretary received from the Secretary of the Convention Joe Dehn the following report of the New Regions - Representatives and Alternates:
    Region 1 AK, CO, ID, MT, NM, NV, OR, UT, SD, WA, WY
      Rep. James Dan         Alt. Gus Hercules
    Region 2 CA, HI
      Rep. Bill Evers        Rep. Thea McLean
      Alt. Terry Savage      Alt. Eric Lund (as of Sep 19th)

    Region 3 IN, KY, MI, OH, VA, WV
      Rep. Joe Hauptman      Alt. Steve Linnabary

    Region 4 AL, AR, DC, FL, GA, NC, TN
      Rep. Gary Ilardi       Alt. Scott Benson

    Region 5 DE, MD, NJ, PA
      Rep. Dan Karlan        Alt. Jesse Markowitz

    Region 6 CT, MA, ME, NH, NY, RI, VT
      Rep. Joseph Brennan    Alt. Pamela Haberkorn

    Region 7 IA, IL, KS, MN, MO, ND, NE, WI
      Rep. Bob Franke        Alt. Jeanne Bojarski

    Region 8 AZ, LA, MS, OK, TX
      Rep. Joe Barnett       Alt Tom Paswater
    Not in region: South Carolina 

3. Setting of the Agenda:

Since there had been no agenda published prior to this post convention meeting, Dasbach proposed the following agenda:
    Setting of Agenda: -----------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                  5 min
    Checking of Paperwork:  ------------------------------------------------                                                                                                             5 Min
    Resignation Administration Area Manager --------------------------------   2 min
    Advise and consent of appointment of Administration Area Manager   2 min
    Convention Oversight Committee -----------------------------------------                                                                                                            15 min
    Directors Report -------------------------------------------------------                                                                                                                  15 min
    Transition to National Director ------------------------------------                                                                                                                 20 min
    Advise and consent on appointment of the National Director --------- 20 min
    Development Area Convention report ---------------------------------       5 min
    Marketing Area report ----------------------------------------------                                                                                                                      -
    Resignation of Organizing Area manager -----------------------------       2 min
    Advise and consent of appointment of Organizing  Area Manager --   2 min
    Setting of Future election of sites of future LNC meetings ---------       15 min
    Resolution evers ---------------------------------------------------   5 min
The agenda was adopted without objection.

4. Checking of Paperwork:

5. Resignation of Administration Area Manager:

Dasbach presented a letter of resignation as Administration Area Manager from Joe Dehn. The resignation accepted without objection.

6. Advise and consent of appointment of Administration Area Manager

Dasbach proposed to replace the Administration Area Manager with himself. The motion was accepted without objection.

7. Convention Oversight Committee

-- Geoff Neale

1996 Convention.

Neale said that the Convention oversight committee had requested bids for the 1996 Libertarian Party convention and had received inquiries from six cities on how to submit a bid. Those cities were: Three bids were actually submitted, The COC recommended at the last Natcom meeting that the Dallas proposal from Bob Waldrop be accepted. The decision was to deferred until this meeting. Since the last meeting, an objection has been raised by the Dallas party in that they had not been contacted in regard to this convention. There are differences in opinion among the Texas delegation from to outright objection to proposal to feeling slighted. Honey Lanham had submitted four different bids for Dallas over the last 10 to 15 years and had never received the bid; and now the bid was going to an outsider.

The COC reviewed the situation with the Texas delegation and Bob Waldrop. Bob Waldrop said he did not want to do a bid where he is not wanted and withdrew his bid. The Texas delegation had further discussions with Bob and they came to an agreement where Bob could "un-withdraw" his bid with a change in hotel after negotiation with the Dallas Party. The COC decided that to allow any change in the bid would require a reopening of the bidding.

Neale presented the COC recommendation as follows:

Reopen the bidding with the following article for the next issue LP News: "The Natcom has announced the bidding for the 1996 Presidential Nominating Convention has been reopened. No acceptable bids were available on the Sept 5th 1993 Natcom meeting. We are looking for a site in a major media market" - "Other considerations are transportation and lodging costs for delegates, creative vision, speaker/program ideas, focus on details, and local LP support and enthusiasm." - "Proposals must be received no later than Nov 1st 1993".
Under the new COC guidelines Salt Lake City would not be appropriate for a presidential nominating convention. The first tier cities would be: New York, Chicago, Washington, Los Angeles, Atlanta. The second tier cities would include Dallas, Houston, New Orleans, San Francisco, Boston et. We should make an effort to contact the state chairs since so many comments were made on the floor about lack of communications. If more than three proposals are received, the COC will work with the executive committee to choose the top three for further contract negotiation and presentation to the Natcom at the December meeting.

Discussion followed and the recommendation was put forward as a motion and passed without objection.

1993 Convention.

Evers moved to extend time 10 minutes - passed without objection.

Neale said he was waiting on a final report on the convention from Bob Waldrop within 30 days, and that he would prepare and distribute the COC report to the executive committee 15 days after that. As of now there were three points that were identified as problems:

1. Ron Paul left Houston at 4:00 am to get to SLC in time for his scheduled speaking engagement and found out there was a clerical error in the schedule sent to Ron Paul. Neale suggests that a letter of apology be sent separately from the COC and from Bob Waldrop.

2. A misunderstanding between the Dallas Party and Bob Waldrop concerning the expenses to be paid to Ron Engleman a radio personality. This is not currently an issue.

3. Russell Means was selected as the keynote speaker by the national committee in Dec of 1992. Bob did have a contract with Mr. Means. In August of 1993 Bob called Geoff Neale and said he had a problem contacting Russell Means. He had tried to contact him at the numbers given for the previous few weeks. Bob asked for and Geoff gave him permission to substitute Tamara Clark as the keynote speaker, and that Geoff would inform the executive committee. Last Tuesday Honey Lanhnam received a call from Russell asking about his tickets. (at this point Bob Waldrop was asked to address the committee) Bob said he only received a new number from Larry Dodge on Thursday morning and that he tried all day to contact Russell Means with no success. Bob suggested that in the future the LP should select and book the Keynote and Banquet speakers.

8. Directors Report

Stuart expressed concern of the drop in membership by 400 per month in the last two months (this was later shown to be a bug in the new membership report which was introduced in August and corrected in September- JDF)

Stuart also expressed concern about the projected negative cash flow. The current net cash after the $28,000 raised at the banquet is $181 assuming all outstanding bills are paid. New cash may come from the recent fund raising letter by Bill Redpath, and the large number of membership renewals expected in the next few months. Certain vendor payments have been delayed in the past and could be put into a 30 to 60 day category.

9. Transition to National Director

Stuart is acting director will be leaving on Oct 7. Dasbach asked Stuart to explain what problems might be encountered in the transition. Stuart said that he had advised the prior executive committee to choose a new national director in late July. Many undocumented procedures and loose ends are left to be passed on to the interim director.

Dasbach said the previous Executive committee reviewed resumes and prepared reports on 5 candidates. After reviewing those reports Dasbach has selected Gene Cisewski. Bill Hall had verified all letters of reference. Dasbach feels that Mr Cisewski has the experience and the necessary skills. Since Mr. Cisewski must give 4 week notice at his current employment, there is the necessity for an immediate interim director to pick up from Stuart Reges and continue until Gene Cisewski can take over. Mr Perry Willis a former national director has been asked to come on board in the next week and to remain through the transition process sometime in November. Perry would handle the immediate problems while working on documenting the system and later training Mr. Cisewski. The current director's salary is 50K and the new director's salary would be the same with the intention of raising it to 65K in 1994. Perry Willis' cost will be approximately 4.5K per month plus $2000 in travel expenses for him and his wife. They will stay in the downstairs apartment which is currently being rented on a week to week basis by a former intern. A discussion followed on the budgetary problem of double salaries during the transition and various interim director options including Nick Dunbar and Dean Ahmad at $40 per hour. Possible short term budget cut possibilities were:

It was moved to advise and consent on Gene Cisewski as our new national director and give Steve Dasbach the authority to determine the interim director option with the advise and consent of the executive committee. The motion was passed without objection.

Adjustment to the budget was discussed to cover the projected transition cost of $20,000. Motion to increase salary line items by 20,000 passed without objection.

10. Development Area Convention report

- Sharon Ayers

Fund raising at the convention netted about $25,000

11. Marketing Area report

- none

12. Resignation and appointment of new Organizing Area Manager.

Dasbach resigned as Organizing area manager and proposed Karen Allard as new Organizing area manager.

Motion was passed without objection.

13. Advise and consent of Setting of Future election of sites of future LNC meetings

Dasbach proposed early december, early april, and early august as the time frames for future LNC meetings.

There was a discussion concerning locating future meetings at transportation hubs to reduce air fares and not scheduling meetings in conjunction with state conventions to avoid the potential hard feelings when the Natcom members are not able to attend key convention functions. Ohio, Kansas City, and Virginia had offered to host future LNC meetings. It was moved to accept the Arlington, Virginia proposal from Rich Sincere for the 11th and 12th of December. The motion was passed without objection.

It was moved to have the April Natcom meeting in Kansas City on April 16th and 17th. It was passed without objection.

It was moved to have the August meting on the August 20th and 21st with the site to be decided later. The motion passed without objection.

The LP News Editor, Randy Langhenry was directed to publish the proposed schedule along with a request for proposals for a site for the August 1993 meeting and proposals for dates and sites for future meetings.

14. A Resolution proposed by Bill Evers.

Mr. Joseph McNamara, the former Police Chief of San Jose, California has drafted a resolution for declaring peace in the Drug War and he has gotten Milton Friedman, George Schultz, Mayor Schmoke of Baltimore and others to sign it. It would be appropriate for the National Committee to endorse the following:
"Whereas the overall situation regarding the use of drugs in our society, and the crime and misery which accompanies it, continues to deteriorate for several decades, and whereas our society continues to attempt at an enormous financial cost and a loss of civil liberties to resolve the problems through the criminal justice system with the accompanying increases in prisons and the number of inmates, and whereas the hugh untaxed revenues of the illicit tax trade are undermining legitimate governments worldwide; Whereas the present system has spawned a cycle of incarceration of disproportionate numbers of African Americans, Hispanics, and other minority groups; Whereas the number of other people who have contracted AIDS, hepatitis, and other diseases from contaminated hypodermic needles are epidemic under of our present system, and whereas in our societies zeal to pursue a criminal approach, legitimate methods of relieving the pain and suffering of patients has been suppressed.
Therefore be it resolved that our society must recognize drug use and abuse as the medical and social problems that they are, and must be treated with medical and social solutions. Further be it resolved that an objective commission be immediately empowered by the President and by Congress to recommend revisions of the drug laws of these United States in order to reduce the harm our present policies are causing"
The resolution passed on a voice vote.

15. Executive Committee.

The executive committee consists of the four officers: Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary, Treasurer, and a fifth member elected by the National Committee. Dasbach opened the floor to nominations for the fifth member of the executive committee. The Nominees were: Don Ernsberger withdrew his nomination since Sharon and Tamara were already non-voting members of the executive committee and he did not see the need for another person. The only decision left was who would have the fifth vote and Sharon Ayers was selected by a hand vote.

Mr. Karlan moved:

"That the executive committee specifically consider Mr. Ahmad's proposal, taking into account that the $40 per hour proposed rate does not require the payment of benefits."
Mr. Reges said that Perry Willis as a temporary employee would not be eligible for any benefits. Mr. Evers thought this would constitute micro-management, and that the executive committee was assumed competent to decide this type of issue.

The motion failed on a voice vote.

Ernsberger requested a clarification on the policy concerning the distribution of the minutes of the executive committee. Dasbach replied that he did not have a copy of the current policy manual covering this area but it was his intention to have the Secretary distribute the executive committee minutes to the natcom and the area managers.

A clarification of the status of the APRC (Advertizing and Publication review committee) was requested. Dasbach said that there are no expected changes to be made before the December meeting when all the committees appointments would be reviewed.

Ayers moved that Dasbach be appointed Chair of the executive committee. The motion was passed without objection.

16. Motion to add an item to the agenda

Hauptman said he was requested by the Michigan Delegation to submit a resolution on the "Scarborough Case" to the National committee. Dasbach said that this was considered at the last Natcom and we were waiting for a report from Bill Hall before further consideration. The motion to add the item failed on a voice vote.

17. Budget Line item clarifications

Ernsberger moved to reduce certain 1993 budget line items that were deferred from the April Natcom meeting. These were:
    530502   television ad development, reduce  expense from  10,000 to 0
    5403063  funding winnable races,    reduce  revenue from 250,000 to 0
        "                               reduce  expense from 100,000 to 0
    540307   campaign support,          reduce  expense from  30,000 to 0 
Motion was passed without exception


Motion to adjourn was passed at 6:30 pm MT without objection.

Respectfully submitted,

John D. Famualro