All six of the voting members were present at the meeting:
Non-voting observers Ken Bisson, John Buttrick, Gene Cisewski, Candi Copas, Ron Crickenberger, Barbara Goushaw, Mark Tuniewicz, and Perry Willis were also present.
Steve Dasbach reported that this was the last day Perry Willis, who had resigned, would serve as national director and the day before Ron Crickenberger would begin serving as acting national director.
Perry Willis described the party's financial condition. He said all bills were currently paid and there should be a surplus in the bank at the end of the month.
He reported working on the prospecting program, the organizing manual, a series of orientation letters to new members. He suggested that the party needed a vendor to produce portable displays of the Nolan Chart. He noted that, although he resigned as director, he would continue to be available to work on the budget and the management information system with Ron Crickenberger and Steve Dasbach.
Perry Willis said research needed to be conducted on improving the premiums offered to members who pay dues above the basic level. He said he would be available to help with the audit, which would be conducted soon.
Ron Crickenberger said he felt comfortable with moving from political director to national director and he was sure he could handle policy matters while he needed to get up to speed on the budget.
Ron Crickenberger said the accounting software had been fixed so it could now produce detailed reports for each account code. He noted that some changes needed to be made in the budget regarding the expense of photocopying and the contract with Xerox. For example, the copying expense for the Success '97 seminars had been on the wrong accounting line.
Karen Allard asked about the party's relationship with Perry Willis in the next 6 months. Steve Dasbach said Perry Willis would operate as an independent contractor as part of a letter of agreement. Karen Allard said she wanted an update on the contracts with Perry Willis and Ron Crickenberger at the Libertarian National Committee meeting in December.
There was a discussion of accounting for copying costs and the profitability of Success '97. There was a discussion of the letters mailed to new inquiries.
Joe Dehn asked about the repairs to the accounting system. Steve Dasbach said Dan Gallagher had fixed it. Ron Crickenberger said he would supervise accounting. Hugh Butler noted the need to keep track of the changes in accounting codes when the system is fixed and the need to keep full back-ups.
Joe Dehn said a business plan for the prospecting project needed to be presented to the LNC in December before the 1998 budget was adopted.
Bill Hall asked about the new management information system. Steve Dasbach said he met with Dan Gallagher the previous week on this. Perry Willis reported that Dan Gallagher had fixed the year 2000 problem in the current software. Perry Willis said the design was on schedule for being online in 1998.
Ron Crickenberger's status as national director was discussed. Steve Dasbach said a raise in his salary from being political director would be a factor in preparing the budget. Ron Crickenberger said he would devote time to make sure the tasks of political director are not neglected while the position is vacant. He said Dan Smith serve as his personal assistant.
Candi Copas asked what would be the status of Perry Willis after 6 months. Steve Dasbach said a decision would be made then.
Candi Copas suggested that a laptop computer with the accounting data be taken to the LNC meeting.
Candi Copas asked why a search to fill the vacancy for political director had not been advertised. Steve Dasbach said the time until the national convention was so short that, after spending months searching for a new political director, the new political director would be hired just when the newly elected national chair would want to hire someone else.
Mark Tuniewicz expressed concern that the political director's duties would suffer while Ron Crickenberger concentrated on being national director. Barbara Goushaw expressed concern about less service for candidates. John Buttrick questioned if there was enough time for one person to be both political director and national director. Ron Crickenberger said he would prioritize his duties and use more assistants and interns for general clerical work.
Three motions for pre-funding were discussed.
Hugh Butler moved to authorize $60,000 for the first phase of a membership prospecting test mailing, which would be approximately 100,000 pieces. The motion passed.
Joe Dehn moved to authorize $12,000 for an audit. The motion passed.
Hugh Butler moved to authorize up to $5,000 to be spent between Executive Committee meetings on authorized projects, provided the funds are available, The motion passed.
Petition drives for ballot access were discussed. The seating arrangement of the state delegations at the national convention was discussed.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m. EDT.
Respectfully submitted, Gary E. Johnson, secretary.
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