Harry Browne: Good evening, everyone. This is Harry Browne. Thank you for coming this evening. I look forward to discussing with you questions of how we can reduce the fed. gov. to a fraction of its present size and repeal the federal income tax -- among other topics. May we have the first question? Alex/Preview: Let me ask one while we're waiting for folks to use their buttons. How does your platform differ from the standard ones? Harry Browne: Standard Republican and Democratic platforms? Alex/Preview: Yes--the Demopublican platform we all know so well. Harry Browne: The Rep. and Dem. proposals are all "futuristic." They propose great changes someday in the future. What they lack is the word "now". They need to learn to "just say now." We want huge spending cuts now, huge tax cuts now, a balanced budget now. ------------------------------------------------------------ Lofty asks: Harry, do you think the late 19th century was a good time? It seems the U.S. was pretty much libertarian then, and the result was mass exploitation, child labour, inhumane working conditions, starvation, extreme levels of poverty which the welfare state can reliably prevent. ---------------------------------------------------------- Harry Browne: The US was more libertarian then, but technology had not advanced to today's rate. Consequently, it is a mistake to compare today with then. What is important is comparing today's gov enterprises with private companies like Microsoft and Fedex that deliver on their promises, unlike gov which always fails to deliver. ------------------------------------------------------------ Marz Marleau asks: How do you expect to achieve a balance between satisfying the most principled libertarians and the mostly moderate "mainstream" Americans in your campaign strategy? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Polls show that 3 out of 4 Americans want "much less gov" than they have now. The problem with the GOP is that they aren't following through with that, consequently people are disenchanted. If the Reps offered to repeal the income tax in return of reducing the gov to a fraction of today's size, they would provide an incentive for people to support them. The tepid approach they're following leaves no one happy. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jim Jensen asks: Mark Twain once said that the government should be used for regulating interstate commerce and defending the nation from foreign invaders. (not a direct quote) What do you think the responsibilities should be? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The Constitution asks the fed gov to defend our borders, guarantee a republican form of gov to all states, and regulate commerce among (not within) the states and with foreign nations. There is no provision for welfare, education, housing, transportation, crime control, regulation of individuals or companies, etc. The fed gov should be about 1/15 its present size. If we cut it back, we can afford to repeal the income tax with NO replacement tax. ------------------------------------------------------------ Judy D. Matter asks: If you were in the White House right now, how many days would it be before this current budget problem would be resolved? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I can't say. But I would need only one third of one house to support my vetoes. And I WOULD veto plenty -- unlike previous presidents who talked a good game but never stood up for what they had run on. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Campbell asks: Based on the current charade being staged by Dems and Repubs over the shutting down of the govt over minor budget cuts, how do you see yourself getting the Congress to approve the repeal of the Income Tax? Thank you. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: We need to offer the Amer. people something in return for the budget cuts. The offer is to repeal the income tax. That way everyone has a stake in the outcome. No one cares whether the Corp for Pub. Broadcasting is abolished; it won't change anyone's life substantially. Only when the American people have something to rally around will we pressure Congress to do what's right. Imagine the power of the income tax as an issue. In a TV debate, I look into the camera and say, "This week look at your pay check, see how much is being taken." "What will you do with that money when the tax is repealed? Put your child in a private school, move into a better home, a better neighborhood? Save up for a biz of your own? Support your favorite cause, charity, or church? What will you do with that money? I won't rest until it's no longer taken from you. ------------------------------------------------------------ John Reuscher asks: How can a "third party candidate" avoid the "unanticipated results" of electing a more liberal candidate as was Perot's contribution to the Clinton candidacy? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: We have to quit electing bad Republicans as a way of keeping Democrats out of the White House. Bill Clinton is little different from George Bush. If Bill Clinton is reelected, at least the anti-gov revolution will continue intact. If I'm elected, the revolution will be won. If a Rep is elected, the revolution will go to sleep. We need to get the American people to see that the differences among the 2 old parties are trivial, and that the different between them and the LP are monumental. Only then will they take the plunge and vote for a third party candidate. And I intend to highlight those differences. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stoddard asks: In How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World you talked about the direct vs the indirect approach to achieving freedom. Running for president seems to be a reversal of philosophy. Has your approach to life gone through a metamorphosis? If so, please explain. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I think the world has changed mightily in the past 20 years. Today I think it's possible to turn things around politically. There was no chance of that in 1973. In effect, we've already won the educational battle. The American people realize that gov doesn't work. But the political battle is still being lost -- gov continues to get larger. What's needed is someone to go in and clean out the stables, and I'm volunteering to do it. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Ender asks: Considering the CityVote debate debacle, do you think you will get in the TV debates? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: That remains to be seen. We need to achieve a lot before then. I have to acquire much more name recognition by next Spring. I need to raise many millions of dollars for TV ads and other forms of impact. When we do those things, and if I show up in the polls at 10% or so, it will be impossible to keep me out of the debates. They will have to include me or not have them. To achieve these intermediate goals, I need a lot of help. I need your money, your support, your attention, your energy, your talking up the candidacy in letters to the editor, on the computer networks, everywhere possible. ------------------------------------------------------------ Keith Smith asks: Many of us who have supported the Libertarian Party for two decades now feel you should accept matching funds and use them to buy air time on Sunday talk shows to spread the Libertarian Party's message and explain your positions. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I appreciate your position. There's a case to be made for accepting the funds. But my positions are 100% for smaller gov. It will require too much explanation to point out that there's nothing hypocritical about wanting to cut gov and taking matching funds at the same time. And by not taking the funds, we have a publicity weapon that I hope we'll be able to use effectively. ------------------------------------------------------------ Marz Marleau asks: Aren't you perhaps asking for trouble by promising a NST, when the President has no power to implement such a tax? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I'm not promising any tax. My new book "Why Government Doesn't Work" will be in the stores within a week. It contains all my proposals. I'm not proposing the replace the income tax with anything. The sales tax and a flat tax are backup measures, in case my plan to retire the fed debt won't work because of a shortage of gov assets to sell. Perhaps I should explain: I want to sell off all assets the gov has acquired w/o constitutional authority, and use the proceeds to buy private annuities for people who have become dependent on Social Security. Then we continue selling assets and using the proceeds to pay off the fed debt. If the proceeds amount to $12 trillion, we can do it all. If not, some backup plan will be needed. I discuss two such plans in my book. But I don't like either of them. I want to get rid of the income tax and replace it with.............. NOTHING. ------------------------------------------------------------ John Reuscher asks: 1.) Do you really expect to be elected? 2.) Do you believe that you serve a real purpose even if you're not elected? 3.) Are you and your party satisfied with # 2? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: 1) It is a long shot. But I would not have undertaken this if I had thought there was no chance to win. I'm not interested in becoming a professional candidate. I just want to restore America to a free country and live my remaining years in peace and freedom. 2) If I don't win, I hope to change the terms of political debate in America -- away from how fast gov should grow, to how little we can make it. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gary Bortosky asks: have you ever held elective office? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: No. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Campbell asks: I visited your Web site & I read through your intentions when elected to office. I liked what I saw, esp. the section relating to your running for selfish reasons. however, how you are going to PR statements like the one above (the selfish reasons) into a publicly "acceptable" statement? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: It's about time people spoke honestly to the voters. I've never had to pay a price for honesty. I've found that people appreciate hearing what they know intuitively to be true. We have everything on our side and we need to realize that. We have a message of hope, honesty, and realism to offer the American people. We have nothing to be defensive about, nothing to hold back on, nothing to be embarrassed about. We offer something valuable to everyone -- the young, old, black, white, rich, poor, everyone. Alex/Preview: We're running low on questions, folks--please put your question into the queue! ------------------------------------------------------------ Lofty asks: Microsoft and Fedex don't prevent starvation. Nor does private charity, as the 19th century proved. There were enough rich people who could have prevented it but didn't. You rather let people starve than "forcing" people to show some social responsibility? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: No one is "letting" anyone starve. Gov doesn't work. It doesn't deliver the mail on time, it doesn't keep the cities safe, it doesn't educate our children properly. If we want to take care of poor people, the last place we should look for help is to the gov that has failed at everything else. ------------------------------------------------------------ Judy D. Matter asks: What have been your previous occupations, leading you up to Presidential candidate? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I have been an author and financial advisor for the past 28 years. I've written 8 books, 4 of which were best-sellers. I've written a newsletter, Harry Browne's Special Reports, for the past 20 years. My greatest qualification for office is that I have the will and determination to do something to turn this country around. I recognize that gov doesn't work. I'm not going to look under the hood. I'm going to take the engine out. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stoddard asks: In marketing it's critical to OWN one position/category in the customer's mind (the principle of focus). Which issue do you feel will become synonymous with the Harry Browne for President campaign? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Government doesn't work. Repeal the income tax. Reduce crime by ending the War on Drugs. Is that one or two? ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey C. Brown asks: Who would you like to have for a running mate? How about Walter Williams for instance? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Very good man. It's too early to pick a running mate. And I want the advice and counsel of the LP members. But I like Walter Williams. ------------------------------------------------------------ ALFRED WEBRE, JD asks: what are your positions on NAFTA, and on undocumented immigration from Mexico? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Nafta isn't necessary for free trade. Treaties are unnecessary. We need only tear the barriers placed by our own gov and open the markets so that the American people are free to buy whatever they want from whomever they want. As to immigration, we first must get rid of all the welfare incentives are attracting the wrong kind of people to this country. When that's been accomplished, we can look at immigration again. But you don't solve problems caused by gov by adding more gov on top of the problem. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Ender asks: As the Chief executive, what would you do to extricate the BATF, FBI, DEA and the other federal minions from our lives? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I would tell all the bureaucrats they can get paid time-and-a-half if they'll stay away from work. The president can virtually shut down those agencies, many of which were created or organized by presidential order. There is no reason for the fed gov to be involved in crime control at all. All crime is local. It takes place in the jurisdiction of a police dept or sheriff's dept somewhere. There's not reason for the feds to be involved. There's no reason -- constitutional or otherwise -- to have fed laws against carjacking, gun ownership, discrimination, or anything else. These are local matters to be settled in local ways. The founding fathers were adamant about not letting the fed gov get involved in crime control. And I agree. The value of getting the gov out of these areas isn't just in enhancing our freedom. It's also economic, in making it possible to reduce our taxes to a fraction of what they are today. Now gov at all levels takes 47% of the national income in taxes. I want to cut that in half the first year. ------------------------------------------------------------ John Reuscher asks: How do you feel about nationalizing ownership of property in the U.S. (not allowing foreign citizens to own property)? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: In a free country, anyone should be free to buy whatever someone wants to sell him. Why should Harry Browne: Americans be limited in whom they can sell their property to? That is a form of price control -- preventing you from getting the best price for your asset when you want to sell it. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey C. Brown asks: We are witnessing the layoff of thousands "unessential" government employees because of the budget showdown? If they are "unessential", why are they employed by the government? Any comments? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The free market has room for all of them. And I want to see them in happier jobs, where they can make more money, do something satisfying, please customers, and go home proud of what they do. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stoddard asks: Do you feel government has any legitimate purpose? If so, what legitimizes them? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I'm sorry I see I didn't really answer Jeffrey Brown's question. Yes, they are unessential. As to government's purpose, gov is force. It isn't a question of what we think gov should do, but what it's capable of doing. Force is the least efficient and least fair way to handle social problems. I want to see force reduced in America to the absolute minimum possible. Gov doesn't succeed at anything it tries. Even the functions that are usually undisputed as gov functions -- such as crime control or judiciary -- are being handled terribly. There have to be better answers. The president can do a great deal to show how better approaches are possible and to fight to implement them. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Campbell asks: I handled the 1992 Libertarian media for Ohio as State Media Coordinator. Have you been contacted by major media (NBC, CBS, ABC, FOX) yet, and how do you plan to make yourself known to them? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The first year of my campaign was spent in organizing and in sewing up LP support. We now are ready to approach the general public and are taking steps to do so. Only when we have created sufficient name recognition for me will the networks come to me. You can help in this by mentioning my candidacy everywhere possible. Call (800) 314-8611 and arrange to get bumper stickers, lapel buttons, and the like. Write letters to editors, arrange speaking engagements, talk up the campaign everywhere. By early next year, I hope to recognized as THE third candidate in the race. ------------------------------------------------------------ John Reuscher asks: What about countries that don't allow U.S. citizens to market certain products, such as Japan. What can be done to get our foot in the door, so to speak? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Japan is the loser when they keep their citizens from buying US products. We should make their problem our problem by duplicating their mistakes and preventing our citizens from buying from wherever they want. Free trade brings its own blessings, and gov can't do anything to improve on it. Gov will only make things worse if it tries to force other countries to open their doors to us. Government doesn't work, and we have to quit looking to gov for our salvation -- whatever the problem may be. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stoddard asks: What is the "minimum" government? Do you plan to sunset the whole operation? Name one function you would keep? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I want to reduce the fed gov to only those functions specified in the Constitution. Those are defense, guaranteeing a republican form of gov to all states, and regulating trade with foreign nations. Once we've achieved that, we should then look for ways to reduce gov further. Even within the Constitution, there is much that can be done to minimize gov. For example, by privatizing many defense functions, a great deal of money can be saved -- and we minimize the possibility that gov employees (military or civilian) can drag us into war. If we're going to build a missile defense, for example, which is probably the only thing the gov needs to defend us from foreign dictators, we should put up a reward to be given to the first company that can produce a working system (not a prototype or plan), but an actual working system. This would be more efficient than having the Dept of Defense do it, or in taking bids from companies that may or may not deliver. In many other ways, we should investigate non-governmental alternatives to functions traditionally associated with gov. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Ender asks: What do you plan to do as regards US membership in the UN? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I will do everything possible to induce Congress to repeal the UN treaty. There is nothing to be gained by the US being in the UN, NATO, GATT, Nafta, etc. And there is everything to lose -- as such treaties make us vulnerable to the decisions and crises of other countries. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey C. Brown asks: Do have any plans to visit North Carolina in the near future? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I have been there for the NC LP convention in 1995. I'm sure I'll be back. What do you have in mind? ------------------------------------------------------------ Lofty asks: How do you explain that while the U.S. has lower taxes, less welfare, less government than most European countries, it has the worst crime rate and the biggest gap between rich and poor (the richest 1% owning 40% of the wealth)? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The biggest gap exists in welfare-state countries where the bureaucrats live like Kings while the common folk pay ungodly taxes. The crime rate in the US is mostly the result of the War on Drugs. The homicide rate dropped steadily from the end of Prohibition in 1933 until the War on Drugs started in the early 1960s. Then the homicide (and general crime) rate began to rise rapidly. We can reduce crime by emptying the prisons and court systems of non-violent offenders, people involved in "victimless" crimes. Then there will be adequate law-enforcement resources, prison space, and court time for the thugs who are terrorizing society. Who would you rather have taking up a prison cell: a marijuana smoker or a child molester? A prostitute or a rapist? A tax-evader or a serial killer? Only when we redirect the priorities of crime control away from enforcing morality to controlling violence will we reduce crime in America. And only when we get it out of the hands of Wash DC will we make progress. ------------------------------------------------------------ Michael Stoddard asks: Why has our system broken down into government of the special interests, by the special interests, and for the special interests? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: Because gov is too big of people to ignore. When gov is smaller, there will be no problem with lobbyists or special interests because there will be nothing for these people to fight over. The problem isn't too much lobbying, it's too much to lobby over. As PJ O'Rourke said, "When the legislature decides the rules of buying and selling, the first thing to be bought will be the legislators." In the same way, America doesn't have too many lawyers. It has too many laws. ------------------------------------------------------------ Larry O'Connor asks: Harry, the cause is not making a dent outside of intellectual conservative circles. How do we break through the bread and circus culture? "Government doesn't work" won't catch.. Saying that you will end taxation is read as mere absurd rhetoric. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I don't promise to end taxation -- only the oppressive taxation of the income tax and the Social Security tax. Bread and circuses have to be countered with bread and circuses. Most people know they would be better off if they didn't pay income tax -- better off than getting a check from the gov. All politics is personal. The problem in the past is that libertarians have been trying to sell people a better world, when what we need to sell them is a better life -- a better life for themselves. Everything we offer has to relate to how it will change the voter's personal life. Only then will they be inspired to give up the 2 old parties and take a chance on us. The Republicans aren't doing this; they aren't offering anything in return for their fictitious "cuts" -- and so the average person has no reason to rally to support them. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey C. Brown asks: How about a speaking engagement at Wake Forest University if I can arrange it? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I'd love to. That's my brother-in-law's alma mater. Please -- everyone -- contact our campaign office by calling (800) 314-8611 if you can arrange a speaking engagement or help make contact with a large organization or in some other way further the campaign. I've already campaigned in 32 states, and there's a lot more to come. When my book gets on the best-seller list, the speaking engagements will come more easily, and name recognition will be higher. But now we have to work for everything we get. So any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gary Bortosky asks: You implied exceptions in which gov "force" would be necessary. Can you elaborate? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: No exceptions. Force is an unacceptable way of solving social problems. However, there are also political realities. And I doubt that I'll see in my lifetime a society in which force is no longer considered a legitimate way to solve problems. So I want to go to Washington and do everything I can to minimize force (government) to the smallest amount possible. Government is force. Most people don't stop to realize that. If nothing else, my campaign is going to make most everyone aware of that -- so that the next time someone suggests a gov solution, he'll realize he's asking the police to use their guns to give him what he wants. ------------------------------------------------------------ Tom Ender asks: Do you believe the LP will make inroads in state legislatures and congress, or do you think we will move the Ds and Rs more indirectly? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I think that, whatever happens in the prez campaign, the LP will elect more people in 1996 than ever before -- by a wide margin. We will have a national campaign unlike any before. This will be of enormous benefit to local candidates. It will lay the foundation -- gov doesn't work -- upon which each candidate can run his own campaign, without having to acquaint the voters with the LP from scratch. I urge you to consider running next year. We need first-class candidates all up and down the ticket. If we want to be taken seriously, we have to take ourselves seriously. We need candidates who are presentable, articulate, unafraid, and willing to work hard to get elected. We don't need candidates who are doing it on a lark. The American people have come to realize that gov doesn't work, and now it's our job to exploit this. If we let this opportunity slip by, we have only ourselves to blame. ------------------------------------------------------------ Marz Marleau asks: How do you reassure all the federal and government-related industries employees that they will continue to prosper when their jobs are eliminated? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: No one can guarantee anyone a job, and untold misery has resulted from such attempted guarantees. But if we try to have a retraining program or a transition, by phasing in freedom over a number of years, we are virtually guaranteeing that nothing will ever change -- because the moment we turn out backs gov will revert back to the oppressive monster it is today. The change must be quick, sudden, decisive, and deep. When the income tax is repealed, there will be trillions of dollars in buying power available to the American people that is going down ratholes today. There are bound to be jobs for anyone who wants one. The demand for new products and services will be overwhelming. There will be most likely a big shortage of labor --which will inspire further automation and computer- oriented progress. ------------------------------------------------------------ Cliff G. Swiger asks: Do you favor government created money and credit? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I don't favor government-created anything. I want to get rid of the Federal Reserve as fast as I can pressure Congress to do so. I want to get the gov back on the gold standard as an important first step. And then move toward a more efficient system eventually in which gov doesn't tinker with the nation's money in any way. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gary Bortosky asks: what is the address of your web site? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: http://www.HarryBrowne96.org Alex/Preview: And I'd like to invite Mr. Browne to continue to upload campaign info to Political Debate Forum's Libertarian section throughout the campaign, too! Harry Browne: There is a wealth of material on the Web site. ------------------------------------------------------------ Judy D. Matter asks: Do you feel the Federal Gov't should run the National Park Service? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I appreciate the offer to upload material here. National Park Service: No. I want to see the Parks in the hands of agencies that would care about their future. Which would be more likely to care -- federal bureaucrats or the Wilderness Society? Most environmental damage in this country occurs on government-owned property -- rivers, parks, etc. Which has more litter per square feet -- your front lawn or the local gov park? We need to get these assets into the hands of people who have a vested interest in their future. ------------------------------------------------------------ Gary Bortosky asks: please list a few of the $12 trillion worth of gov assets to divest. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The fed gov owns 52% of the land in the 13 western states. The fed gov owns pipelines, mineral rights, oil rights, a petroleum reserve, platinum reserve, power companies, printing plants, dry cleaning establishments, unneeded military bases, unneeded military hardware, insurance companies, and on and on and on. ------------------------------------------------------------ Jeffrey C. Brown asks: Ron Paul's Farewell Address to congress was instrumental is moving me from the Republican party to the LP. Any comments on Ron Paul seeking the Republican nomination for his old seat in Congress? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I'm sorry to see him leave the LP, but I understand his feeling that he has a better chance running as a Republican. Maybe if I'm elected president, he'll switch parties -- as I would expect some other Congressmen to do. ------------------------------------------------------------ John Reuscher asks: Back to privatizing defense: Who should be in charge of operating the missile system developed under your proposal? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The gov should contract with a private company to manage it, with the contract renewable every 2 years -- to assure that the company has an incentive to do it correctly. Everything would be under the supervision of gov agents -- to reassure those who believe that gov employees are somehow born without a self-interest gene. The important issue isn't so much how any particular thing will be handled, but that we stop thinking that only gov can do all these things. We have to reorient the whole concept of national defense. The government's job isn't to win wars, but to keep us out of wars. This can be done best by disengaging from all treaties that make us vulnerable to other countries' problems, by renouncing the bombing of innocent foreign civilians as an acceptable way of defending the country, by not trying to be the world's policeman, by constructing a missile defense that will protect us from attack, so that we don't have to threaten retaliation (and thus need hundreds of billions of dollars worth of military hardware to attack other countries). Alex/Preview: We've been going for 80 minutes. Would you like to continue? Harry Browne: Sure, if there are any questions left. ------------------------------------------------------------ Cliff G. Swiger asks: You opt to dissolve the Fed but the FRBs themselves are private corporations. Who do you think should have the power to create our money? ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: The Federal Reserve Banks are about as "private" as the IRS. Their profits all revert to the Treasury, their Board is appointed mostly by the president, and they have the power of law to force banks to do their bidding. Money shouldn't be "created" by fiat. It should evolve naturally -- as it does on a gold standard. Paper money should be nothing more than a receipt for real money -- gold. All paper money should be convertible into gold at a fixed rate, so that money can't be expanded at the whim of gov employees. ------------------------------------------------------------ Lofty asks: While you're right on the crime-increasing effects of the war on drugs, it doesn't explain the difference to Europe as drugs are illegal in most European countries just as well. Legalizing them both in the U.S. and Europe would still leave the U.S. with the higher crime rates. ------------------------------------------------------------ Harry Browne: I don't care what the European countries do. I want to reduce crime in the US. If you're still trying to make a case that free markets in the US are the cause of crime, you've got a tough job ahead of you. There is much that can be done to reduce crime in the US: end the War on Drugs, end the prosecution of victimless crimes, end the gun-control laws that put honest citizens at a disadvantage with criminals, end the asset-forfeiture laws that divert the motivations of law-enforcement agencies from fighting crime to acquiring assets, get the fed gov out of crime control so that laws and law-enforcement reflect local needs and not compromises worked out between Sen. Dole and Sen. Kennedy. Alex/Preview: Mr. Browne, I'd like to ask you for some closing comments, if I may...and then I'd like to open to floor so everyone can say goodnight and thank you for coming Harry Browne: I appreciate all the provocative questions. I'm sorry that I can skirt the surface in my brief answers. Details of all my proposals, as well as my philosophy of gov, are covered in "Why Government Doesn't Work" which will be in the bookstores this week. Also, check out the Web site for articles. Let me close by saying that we have an extraordinary opportunity today -- one that many of us have fantasized about for decades. If we let it slip by because we argued incessantly about the final destination, rather than the direction we want to move, we will deserve what we get -- a lifetime of more and more government. The American people have come to realize that government doesn't work. Now it's up to us to show them that freedom does. We have to present a credible plan for getting rid of the social problems that have plagued this country the past 30 years. We do have answers. We have to present them in terms that make sense to people, and that show them that their lives will be improved substantially by turning away from the old parties and to the LP. I hope you will join me in this effort. This is going to be the most exciting year in this century. Let's make this a free country again. Marz Marleau: Bravo, Harry! Have you ever thought about personal "stumping" in the debate forums on the commercial on-line services? Harry Browne: Sounds good. Specifically what do you have in mind? Alex/Preview: I'd like to thank you once again for coming-- it's been a pleasure to be your host! I'm sure that Marz is thinking at least partly of Political Debate Forum--he leads the Libertarian section there! Harry Browne: Alex and Marz, thanks for having me here this evening. Tom Ender: Thank you Harry Michael Campbell: Thank you for answering my questions Mr. Browne. Much appreciated :-) John Reuscher: It was interesting hearing your views. Florence: Thanks Harry. It's been a very informative evening. Dr. Michl Edelstein: Thank you Harry! Lofty: We have seen how a libertarian brushes away all critical questions with "Gov doesn't work!" Mike: Thanks for having solid principles! Marz Marleau: Harry: Great having you! Thought you might consider stopping in from time to time to "show your face" and offer an opinion or two, in the Political Debate Forum here. Laura J. Gleason: Thanks for your time. I look forward to hearing you tomorrow morning on Knoxville's AM 990. Cedric L. Stines: You've certainly given all of us a lot to think about. Thank you, Mr. Brown.