A PROGRAM for the
August 1981
P. 0. BOX 11
TUSCON, AZ 85702
To achieve the goals set forth in our Statement of Principles, we have organized a party to take political action as necessary:
1. To eliminate the initiation of force by government against any individual.
2. To eliminate any government restraint on speech, self-expression, economic activity, travel, voluntary adult sexual activity, drug use or any other peaceful act.
3. To limit government, where it exists, to the defense of individuals and property within the United States.
4. To eliminate all taxes and pay for the costs of any government maintained for police, judicial or defense functions by voluntary contributions.
We, the members of the Libertarian Party, believe that we can work together to establish a libertarian society: a totally free, open, voluntary, peaceful and just society. We have decided that political activity is essential to reach masses of people and to let them know about the most humane and benevolent solutions to today's problems: libertarian principles and ideas.
We must not become politicians. We must remain libertarians. We must stay true to our principles both in our attempts to convert non-libertarians and in our dealings with each other. our party must be the party of principle and not a party of politicians.
We will be most successful in building the organization we need to reach our goals if we act in accordance with our principles, if we immediately stop imitating the way the old political parties do things.
Let's start by respecting our fellow libertarians who do not agree with us 100%; let's try to use reason and conviction to change their way of thinking or let them try to convince us by reason and conviction. Let's abandon vilification and the formulation of cliques to drive other cliques out of the party.
Too many libertarians look at those who are running for a party office against their candidates as enemies. Libertarians running for office are trying their best. often they have different ideas about how to run that office or how to do things. According to libertarian principles the free market or competition is a good thing. It seems to me that market forces will eventually settle many of our internal disputes. Let them.
Let's stop using fraud to get votes just because that is the way "politicians do things." We libertarians are against fraud of all kinds. To commit fraud is to lie, to pretend, to insult your competitors, or to push your friends to vote for your candidate just because "they are your friends." Fraud is to offer advantages to one individual over other individuals if they vote for you (to "buy" votes). Fraud is to make deals to get votes.
If you as a libertarian are sincerely interested in working to establish the kind of society we dream of, you have to do the right thing each time you make a choice. Act individually and express your own thinking, not what the majority thinks or what the "top people" think. Your vote must express your individual reasoning and conviction. Isn't this what we wanted the American people to do during the last presidential campaign?
If you are my friend and after reading this presentation you think I am not the best candidate for National Chair, pay me the respect due a friend: do not vote for me. My deepest interest is to do what is best for libertarianism, not just to get elected.
If after reading this presentation you think I am the best candidate we have, and your real interest is to do what is best for libertarianism, vote for me regardless of who else is voting for me or against me. I urge you to read very carefully and with an open mind what all three candidates have to say. Reason by yourself, make your own personal choice and vote accordingly.
If we all do this we will be acting as libertarians and we'll stop doing things the way politicians do. We will be libertarians in fact and not just in theory.
Until now the National Committer formed by members elected by convention every two years, has been working and making decisions thinking it knows what is right for all state organizations. I believe there has not been enough communication from state organizations to the National Committee, and when the National Committee trys to decide what it thinks is best for the party as a whole, it does not have enough information to do so. State organizations resent it when they are told to do things and resent the fact they haven't had a chance to give their opinions.
I believe that the way the Libertarian Party will work best is to organize it from the bottom up. From local groups to the state organization and from state organizations to the National Committee. The local groups are the basic unit of our organization. If they do well and grow, then the party will do well and grow.
The effort of the National Committee and state executive committees must be to help, work for, and provide services to local groups.
I encourage all 50 state chairs to bring to the Denver National Convention a list of ideas and services they think the National Party should provide. During the meeting of state chairs in Denver all 50 state lists can be compiled into one list and arranged in order of priority. This list should then be presented to the National Committee for consideration and analysis.
After the Convention the National Chair and National Executive Director will work out the cost of each of the services requested by the 50 state organizations and after considering the National Party's annual revenues decide how many of these services can be provided.
The members of the National Committee and the 50 state chairs will be informed and the Executive Director and members of the staff will work to provide these services.
This way of working is described below.
Ideas can also be generated by the National Party. if the National Chair, National Executive Director or members of the National Committee have an idea that can be helpful, this idea, the budget and the way to raise money to pay its cost have to be worked out by the National Chair and the Executive Director and presented to the members of the National Committee and the body of 50 state chairs for approval.
The National Chair must work with the Executive Director who will be charged with the execution of almost all projects. The National Chair must travel around the country to attend State conventions, visit areas with specific problems, talk with members of the party, learn what they need, find out whether the services the National party is giving are working, hear complaints and get new ideas. If by any chance the visit of the National Chair creates some interest among the local media, this has to be directed to the state chair, state or local candidates and other important local members. The work of the National Chair from now on must be to coordinate efforts and to provide services.
The work of the Libertarian Party is to organize local and regional groups and to increase membership. We cannot wait for the next presidential candidate and his or her committee to run a national campaign and, at the same time, to organize regional and local groups and teach them how to work during a presidential campaign. This is the work of the National Committee, state executive committees and local groups. This is the work that we all have to do before 1984. When the presidential campaign starts in 1984 the candidate's committee will then be able to work on the presidential campaign, and not on doing the work of the Party.
One of the primary objects of my campaign for Chair, and as Chair if I am elected, is to emphasize the importance of genuine respect for fellow libertarians with whom we may differ on some point of tactics or ideology and to involve all interested persons in party activities. If the delegates choose me as National Chair, I will ask Kent Guida and John Mason and members of their committees to work with me and to continue their valuable contributions to the National Party.
Before And During The Convention
Local groups and state executive committee members study and analyze their needs and prepare a list of services that state organization and/or National Party may provide. They present this list to the state chair.
Body of 50 state chairs during the National Convention. They prepare one list of services, in order of priority, present it to the National Committee.
The National Committee and National Chair study, make suggestions and approve the list of services subject to cost analysis.
After The Convention
The Executive Director and members of the staff determine the cost of each service. The National Chair and Executive Director prepare a list of services that can be provided within the budget
Program and Budget are adopted by the National Committee and the 50 state chairs are informed of the services that National will provide during the next two years.
.National Executive Director and full time staff supplemented by the National Chair, the National Committee and volunteers, work to provide these services.
These are the goals I think we should and can achieve by 1983:
FIRST: Substantial progress in educating all those who belong to or are registered in the Libertarian Partyin the ethics, principles and policies of libertarianism.
SECOND: Massive increase in the grassroots strength and activism of local LP organizations in every part of the country. This will include increased local membership, registration, activism and political skills.
THIRD: An improved election effort in 1982 including achieving permanent ballot status in several additional states and election of additional Libertarians to office.
FOURTH: Creation of the organization, public acceptance and desire needed for major campaigns in 1984, which will multiply our members, contributors and supporters over our achievements in 1980 and 1982.
The key to the growth of the LP from 1981 to 1983, which would be my term if I were elected Chair, is to build the Party as an effective grassroots organization. I believe the greatest contribution the National Party can make to the advancement of the LP at this time is to assist in the creation of this necessary network of libertarian activists.
The first step in assisting local organizations is to determine what they need for further growth. This should be done by consulting state chairs and local activists as described on pages 1, 2 and 4 above. I hope that the state chairs and delegates who come to the National Convention will come with ideas as to what the National Party can do to speed the growth of local organizations.
Here are some examples of services that could be offered by the National Party to achieve our goals and build a grassroots organization.
1) Internal Education
With the large influx of new recruits as a result of the 1978 and 1980 Elections a major need is internal education. It is essential that we maintain the LP as a principled, coherent, ideological party and to do this we need educated, principled members. The form this education will take will be largely determined by individual desires and the leadership of local groups. However, as a service to local groups, National should prepare or make available materials useful for locally-conducted educational programs. Educational ideas for local meetings and state conventions would be developed by National.
2. External Education
By developing the Speaker's Bureau, as well as through brochures, position papers, books and interviews, the National Party should provide an educational program for non-libertarians outside of the context of political campaigns.
One of the most important needs of the LP is to develop the organizational skills of its members. In the past the National LP and some state organizations have offered seminars and pamphlets to improve these skills. I would continue these approaches and add a third one that is used by many successful volunteer organizations: the preparation and use of detailed outlines of the duties and procedures appropriate to each officer of a typical group.
These procedure books start with the importance of setting realistic goals and describe the steps each officer must follow to discharge each of his or her duties. Separate outlines would cover the duties of the Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary, Treasurer as well as of the Chairs of the Membership, Political, Publicity, Finance, News Letter, and other Committees. Included in each outline will be procedures and suggestions for improving skills, involving more people and expanding activities.
I also suggest an annual program of regional seminars. The National Party would put together a group of knowledgeable libertarians to give two-day seminars by regions. Each state of that region will send one or more members for each subject.
The subjects might include:
1. How to start a new local group.
2. Developing local organizations.
3. Media relations.
4. Fund raising.
5. Candidate recruitment and training.
6. How to be a campaign manager.
7. Ballot status, petitioning and voter registration.
Those attending the seminars will receive printed material to take back to their states and use to train members of their own local groups.
1. In the 1982 Congressional races the National Party probably should be:
a. Preparing position papers on important issues.
b. Developing standard brochures which could be adopted by individual candidates.
c.. Preparing standard speeches.
d. Assisting in a nation-wide fund-raising effort on behalf of all federal candidates.
e. In response to demand, producing standard radio and TV ads.
f. offering seminars for candidates and campaign managers as part of the regional seminars described in "B" above.
g. Forming a group of advisors whom candidates may call when they need information about issues and
libertarian positions.
2. Provide advice to candidates and states trying to obtain ballot status. With broad party consent, provide active assistance to such states as Pennsylvania, Montana, Texas, and Massachusetts where we may be able to win permanent ballot status in 1982.
3. Assist in the development of candidates and political skills through the seminars described in "B" above and through pamphlets and detailed outlines on How To Be A Good Candidate, How to Manage A Campaign and How to Obtain Good Media Coverage.
4 With broad party support provide direct assistance in money and personnel in a small number of races in 1982. Electing libertarians to state and local office in 1982 will help the party nationwide. This would include assistance to Dick Randolph's race for Governor of Alaska and to one or more "winnable" races in the lower 48 in 1982.
Assist state and local organizations in further development of fund-raising abilities.
Conduct fund-raising efforts to fund programs desired by state and local organizations which state and local groups cannot or do not wish to fund.
Conduct joint fund-raising efforts with state and local groups. Fund-raising training would be included in the regional seminars.
The National Chair and the full time staff must put great emphasis on communications with state chairs and activists, as well as with libertarian publications and all members of the National Committee. In addition to the present level of communications and the personal contact that I would have with the state chairs and local activists, a monthly letter from the Executive Director informing state chairs and the National Committee of his activities and the activities of the National Chair, might be desirable. More information can go a long way to maintain good relations and allay suspicion.
Also I think it is necessary to have job descriptions for all members of the paid staff. This will improve the productivity at National Headquarters, permit members of state organizations to know who to call about specific problems and generally establish better communications.
There will be many issues raised or discussed at the Convention about the organization of the party, the role of the National Chair, and the relationship between the state parties and the National Party. In making your choice for National Chair I thought you would like to know my position on some of these issues:
I think the 1980 presidential campaign was a great success. Ed Clark, David Koch, the members of the Campaign Committee, Ed Crane, Chris Hocker, Dallas Cooley, Howie Rich, David Boaz, Bruce Cooley, Ray and Carol Cunningham, Jule Herbert, all the Clark for President State Campaign Managers and all the hundreds of local volunteers, did the most and best they could.
There were many, many mistakes, both big mistakes and small mistakes. None of the participants was an expert in their job; most of them, including Ed Clark, were doing it for the first time. We should be thankful to all of them for the work, time, money and great personal effort they put into it. No one got rich or powerful working on the 1980 Campaign.
The 1980 presidential campaign gave our party more name recognition, and a positive image; it opened the minds of millions of Americans to libertarian ideas and was a major step forward to the creation of a libertarian America.
I also have a tremendous respect for all the criticism coming from a small but important group of people. In the Libertarian Party we need and should constantly seek criticism. I don't agree with all the critics but they do have some good points. We must learn from our mistakes to be able to do better next time. The best way to do that is to involve more libertarians in decision-making.
During the course of the 1980 Presidential Campaign the Libertarian Party ran up a debt of $145,000, mainly to help obtain ballot status for the party in nine states. Much of this money was obtained by loans from libertarians. This debt amounted to 22% of the 1980 expenditure of the LP. Most members of the National Committee were not aware of the debt, let alone its size, until December 1980. The fund-raising effectiveness of the Party has not been adequate to repay these loans and eliminate the debt.
The first task with respect to the debt is to eliminate it through persistent fund-raising efforts. I think the debt raises serious ethical questions as we have failed in our obligation to pay our suppliers in accordance with our agreements with them.
To prevent any reoccurrence the National Party needs to implement better budgeting procedures. My own experience in handling a budget in excess of $1,000,000 for ten years and never going over budget should also be helpful. My intention to be a full time Chair will also help to prevent any repetition.
I think the Party would benefit from a full time Chair. We now have organizations in every state and by 1982 we will hopefully have candidates in every state. We also have a substantial budget and a history of budgetary problems including the present deficit. If the National Party is actually to be directed and managed by the person elected by the delegates, that person must devote his or her full time to the job.
My personal position will permit me to be a full time Chair. I will be available for phone calls every day. I will spend substantial time at the National office. And I will visit state and local organizations on a regular basis.
The alternative to a full time Chair is to turn over the direction of the National Party almost completely to the paid staff. While the paid staff will do much of the work they should not have the authority to make policy decisions. Without a full time Chair, the paid staff will make policy decisions by default.
In view of the limited funds of the National Party, and the many demands on these funds, I will be responsible for raising the money to cover the expenses for all of my activities as Chair (except that if I am invited to be a speaker at a state convention I will ask the state organization involved to pay transportation costs).
I think the paid staff should be given guidelines with respect to their involvement in political contests within the party as, for example, the present race for National Chair. In addition to banning any such activity during working hours or at the national headquarters at any time, any promise of employment or other preferences for voting the "right" way should be prohibited and, in order to maintain the appearance as well as the fact of impartiality, other limits may also be required.
I support those who want a libertarian candidate in every congressional district in 1982. It has been proven both easier and less expensive to secure votes for our congressional candidates than for senatorial and other statewide candidates. The impact of the potential several million LP congressional votes in 1982 would give us increased visibility, credibility, and momentum. As National Chair, I would give this project the highest priority if it receives broad party support. It can only work if almost all state and local groups wish to participate.
The National Committee cannot function properly without constant reference to the state organizations. I propose a method of ratification by or consultation with the 50 state organizations on such major items as incurring a debt, major services to be provided by the National Party, and fund-raising programs that are to involve state and local organizations.
When nominating a presidential candidate, the delegates to the National Convention must be careful to analyze not only the candidate but also those who will be members of his committee. The delegates should keep responsibility in their own hands and not let it pass to a Review Committee. The delegates nominate their candidate but who is going to nominate the Review Committee. Who will have power over the candidate? Where is the value of the delegate's vote? If it is a matter of principle, why only a Review Committee for the Presidential Campaign? Why not for the National Chair and the National Committee?
Article X, Section 7, of our Bylaws provides us with the mechanism to repudiate a national candidate. This is the strongest possible control over a candidate. And each individual libertarian through control of his or her time, checkbook and, ultimately, vote can exercise a more credible review than any Committee simply by deciding not to support a libertarian nominee.
The National Executive Committee should have representatives on the Campaign Steering Committee and receive regular reports from the Presidential Campaign Committee. It should provide such support, criticism or withholding of support as it deems proper. Because of its power to repudiate a candidate and its complete control of any party funds flowing to the Campaign, it has and has always had fully adequate power to discipline any candidate who clearly deviates from libertarian principle.
Our current system of assigning National Convention delegates needs revision. I propose bonus delegates for states that have permanent ballot status, for states which do well in gubernatorial and congressional races, and which have actually elected local libertarians to public office.
Should become more of a "how to" publication for ballot drives, fund raising, candidate and media methodology, etc. Successful projects by local LP's should be featured. Changes in election laws and pertinent court cases involving ballot status, candidates, etc., throughout the country should be passed along to all state and local organizations with suggestions as to how they can be used. Libertarian letters to the editor and local columns that have appeared about the LP around the country should be reprinted.
I think the next Nominating Convention should be held in February, 1984, possibly on the weekend of Washington's Birthday. If we hold it later in 1984 we will either be forced to participate in some presidential primaries or be very conspicuous by our absence. I think our absence from primaries held before our convention, or our showing in these primaries (which will be minimal in comparison with votes in Republican and Democratic primaries, and much less proportionately than we will get in the November elections) will generate bad publicity for us.
A February Convention will provide the opportunity for some publicity at state LP Conventions in late 1983 and early 1984 and will show progress over our August 1979 Convention. It will also give adequate opportunity to gain ballot status, research important issues and plan the Campaign.
I leave the location up to the vote of the delegates.
The best way to get more national media coverage is to become a bigger and better organized party that gets more votes and elects more people. I think the grassroots
organizational approach that I have outlined is the best to become-a more effective party. In addition, we should continue to hold news conferences, issue news releases and invite the media to libertarian events whenever we are saying or doing anything newsworthy.
In trying to reach minority groups, as in trying to reach any other groups, we have to get to know them.
There are three large groups of Latinos in the United States: Mexican, Cuban and Puerto Rican. Each group is different but they have some things in common. For instance, Mexicans and Cubans don't look at the government as the solution to their problems, in general, they see the government as the problem. I believe they are ready for libertarianism.
Each local libertarian organization, if interested in reaching out to Latino groups, should first gather basic information: who are they, where do they live, the names addresses and phone numbers of their social and political associations. Then libertarians should contact these groups, attend some of their meetings, talk to them, invite them to local libertarian meetings and ask them to include a libertarian speaker in one of their meetings. Open the dialogue.
Avoid their leaders, who are generally Democrats and love to administer the money they receive for special programs. But Latinos in general are against welfare and special programs which they know cause the American people to look at them as inferior. They don't care for Social Security, They want the opportunity to work, to educate their children and to be able to keep the money they honestly earn.
To increase the number of Latinos in our party is a job for local groups. The National Party can assist by producing literature in Spanish.
Birth: Vera Cruz, Vera Cruz, Mexico
Education: 1953: National University, Mexico City, Mexico
(Valedictorian, Department of Industrial Chemistry) (equivalent to a Ph.D. in Chemistry)
1955: National Polytechnic Institute, Textile School, Mexico City, Mexico (equivalent to a Master of Science Degree)
1971: New York Institute of Advertising, New York
1973-1974: Travel Agency Business Diploma.
Professional: Until 1970, Sales Promotion and Advertising Manager,
Celanese Mexicana, S. A., Mexico City, Mexico.
1971-1972: President and Founder, Tendencias de la Moda, New York.
Trade Associations
Activities: Treasurer, Advertising Women's Association, Mexico
Board of Directors, National Advertising Association, Mexico
Chairperson, Social Activities Committee, The Fashion Group, Mexico (founder and organizer).
First Vice President (1968) and President (1969) Mexican Fashion Institute, Mexico (founder and organizer). A business association of 300 men and Alicia.
1968: named one of five top executive women in Mexico by one of the top national magazines.
1969: named one of ten top executives in Publicity and Advertising in Mexico by Mexican Advertising Association.
Worked with Celanese Mexicana, S.A., the largest private company in Mexico.
Has traveled to all the fashion industry centers of Europe and the Americas. Has visited almost all of the countries of North, Central and South America.
Social Activities:
1977-1978: Parliamentarian, San Marino Newcomers Club.
1977: President, Volunteers in Multiple Sclerosis. Region II.
1978-1979: Chairman, San Marino Celebrity Series.
1979: First Vice Chairman. Intermediate Group, San Marino Women's Club.
1981: President. San Marino Guild of the Huntington Memorial Hospital.
Political Activities:
assisted Ed when he was State Chair in CaliforniaHas been active in using organizational skills to help the Libertarian Party since 1972 while assisting Ed Clark in the formation of the Free Libertarian Party of New York and in 1973 while assisting him in establishing Region 13 of the California Party. In 1974 and 1975
Worked extensively in the Ed Clark Gubernatorial Campaign in 1978. In 1980 campaigned with Ed part time during June, July and August. In September and October campaigned virtually full time on behalf of Ed Clark and numerous state and local candidates, delivering speeches, holding news conferences and giving TV, radio and newspaper interviews in both English and Spanish.
Addressed students, ethnic, social and civic groups and campaigned extensively among Hispanic voters. Has visited 37 states and met with local and state organizations and thus come to know their problems well.