Report of the National Convention 
of the 
Libertarian Party
3-7 July 1996 Washington, DC
Chair: Stephen Dasbach
Vice Chair: Karen Allard
Secretary: John Famularo
Treasurer: Hugh Butler
Parliamentarian: Mary Gingell
Convention Oversight Committee:
       Dan Karlan, Ruth Bennet, Marsha Butler
Convention Contractor:
   FEE Enterprises Ltd. (John Famularo, Don Ernsberger, Louise Ernsberger, Dave Walter)
Bylaws Committee:
         Dave Bergland (Chair),  Mary Gingell,  John Paff, Hugh Butler,  Ruth Bennett
         David Aitken, Andrew B Spiegel, Steve Winter,   Karen A Allard ,  Jackie Bradbury
Credentials Committee:
Gary Johnson  (chair),  Ken Sturzenacker,  Mr. Daniel M. Karlan,  Kevin Delaney
   Louis M Stefanelli,    Thea McLean,   Dr. Benjamin I. Bachrach,   Eric S Lund
   Kevin Hagan,   James Boyd
Platform Committee:
Dave Nolan          (Chair)
      Joseph W Dehn III          Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad        Jacob G (Bumper) Hornberger
      Michael Tanner              Jimmy Harris                       Cecil Bohanon
      John A. Buttrick            Timothy O'Brien                  Kathleen Jacob Richman
      John Asfor(Florida),      Tom Stahl (Washington),     Donald Gallick (Ohio)
      Henry E. Haller III (Pennsylvania)  Bill Muench (Illinois)
      Max Dollarhite ( Alternate Michigan),     Raymond Warner (Michigan)
        Mark Hinkle   (California),	Elizabeth Macron (New Jersey)   
        Jay Manifold   (Texas ),            Bill McMillen ( New York)
The entire convention were conducted in the Hyatt Capitol Hill in Washington, DC.
The business meeting was convened at 9.00 am on Thursday, 4 July . The business meeting was adjourned at 3:53pm on Sunday, 7 July.
The Credentials Committee approved all 50 delegate lists provided by the affiliate parties.
	415 delegates registered
	Quorum 	156	
	Majority 	208
	Two Thirds	277
The committee recommended that states wishing to modify their delegations not make a motion from the floor but rather notify the committee, which will report its recommendations to the convention at the start of each session.
			Delegates	Quorum	Majority	Two Thirds
Thursday PM		468		187		234		312
Friday	AM		502		201		252		335
Friday	PM		517		207		259		345
Saturday AM		547		219		274		365
Saturday PM		556		223		279		371
Sunday AM		628		252		314		421
IV. Presidential Platform Submissions 
The following individuals have submitted as of 9:00 am Thursday July 4, 1996, 750 copies of their campaign 
platform to the secretary for distribution to the delegates:
	Calvin Ruskaup
	Irwin Schiff	
	Doug Ohmen
	Harry Browne
	Jeffrey Dickett
	Carl Kramer
	Rick Thompkins
V. Adoption of the Agenda
Dave Bergland made a motion to add to a  Bylaws committee report after the Treasurers report and before the Platform committee report
	Motion passed on standing vote
	Convention adopted agenda as amended by voice vote.
		Thursday, July 4th 1996
	9:30 am	Call to Order - Steve Dasbach
			Credentials report
			"Welcome to Washington DC" - Ernsberger, 
			Keynote Speaker : Jacob Hornberger
			Adoption of agenda
	.		Retention of planks from the previous platform voting forms distribution
			Treasurer's report
			Bylaws Committee Report
			Platform Committee Report
	11:45 am		Scheduled recess for noon program
			"George Washington's Farewell Address" Bruce Evoy
			Speeches by James Bovard and Richard Boddie, introduced by Don Gormari:
	2:00 pm		Business session resumes
			Credentials report
			Reading of the LP Program during tabulation of the Plank retention vote
			Resumption of Platform Committee report
	5:30 pm		Scheduled recess
		FRIDAY JULY 5,1996
	9:30 am	Business Session resumes
			Credentials report
			Debate on the Party Platform continues
	11:30 am	Scheduled recess
			Nadine Strossen President of the ACLU 
	1:15 pm	Business Session resumes
			Credentials report
			Final retention of platform planks
	4:00 pm	Scheduled recess for Presidential Candidates Debate
	9:30 am	Business Session resumes
		Credentials report
		Presidential nominations and voting
		Ratification of National Campaign Platform
	12:00 noon	Scheduled recess
	12:30 pm	Joseph Sobran: introduced by Bonnie Flickinger
	1:30 pm	Business Session resumes
		Credentials report
		Vice Presidential nominations and voting
		Acceptance Speeches by Pres/VP nominees
	5:00 pm	Scheduled recess for the Awards banquet setup
		SUNDAY JULY 7,1996
	9:30 am Business Session resumes
	Credentials report
	Election of National Officers, At Large Representatives Judicial Committee
	Other Business 3:00 pm Final Adjournment
VI. Retention of Planks.
Distribution of retention of platform planks voting forms
William McMillian moved to suspend the rules and eliminate the retention of planks vote.
Motion falied on standing vote.
VII. Treasurers Report	Hugh Butler
A verbal review  was given outlining the pre-funding policy currently in force,  referencing published documents for financial details as of May 1996.  In answer to questions from the floor Mr. Butler stated that while vendor debt may have exceeded a self imposed limit, there is no debt in violation of the bylaws.  The pre-funding rules were suspended due to the necessities of the 50 state ballot access project.
A motion to suspend the rules was defeated on voice vote.
VIII.  Bylaws Committee Report	David Bergland
Mr Bergland moved the Bylaws committee recommendation to  amend the convention rules for this convention 
Mr Givot moved to:
1  add Vice-President where appropriate and 
2  add the following sentence to section 1 (if the candidate achieves 35 signed pledges and is nominated under this procedure)
Motion by Mr Nolan to divide the question passed on voice vote
First half of  motion to add vice president passed on voice vote.
Second half of motion to add sentence to section 1 failed on voice vote.
Main motion passed on count of the delegates
	347 Aye,	82 Nay
	The Delegates to this 1996 Libertarian Presidential Nominating Convention adopt the following procedure for participation in the Presidential Nomination Process under Convention Rule 9. This procedure shall apply to all  persons seeking the Party's nomination for the office of President of the United States at the 1996 Convention. 
	1) No person's name shall be placed in nomination under Convention Rule 9 unless at least 35 delegates sign a pledge to vote for that person on the first ballot. 
	2) A blank pledge form suitable for this purpose and acceptable to the Secretary shall be made available to all persons seeking the nomination immediately upon the adoption of this procedure by the vote of the delegates. Candidates may duplicate the form as they may require.
	3) Each person seeking the nomination shall be responsible for collecting  the pledge forms supporting that person and for delivering the pledge forms to the Secretary.
	4) No later than 7 p.m. July 5,1996, all pledge forms shall be delivered to the Secretary at a location specified by the Secretary. The Secretary shall announce the location for delivery of the pledge forms at the beginning of business on Friday, July 5,1996. The Secretary shall count only those pledge forms received by 7:00 pm  July 9th, 1996
	5) As the first order of business on Saturday, July 6,1996, the Chair shall report to the delegates the names of those persons who have qualified to be nominated as the Party's candidate for President of the United States or Vice-President of the United States.
	Motion to reconsider failed on voice vote
IX. Platform Committee		David Nolan
Results of the Platform Plank retention vote
	All planks were retained, those getting less than 85% are as follows:
	Woman rights and abortion
	Children's rights
Discussion of the Platform Committee report and the following changes were adopted:
          Replace 4th paragraph with:
	We oppose all restrictions and regulations on the  private development,
	sale, and use of encryption  technology. We specifically oppose any
            requirement for disclosure of encryption methods or keys, including the
	government's proposals for so called  "key escrow",which is truly 
	government access to keys, and any  requirement for use of 
	government-specified devices or  protocols. We also oppose government 
           classification of  civilian research on encryption methods.
         In third sentence, replace "society routinely denying the people" with
          "government denying individuals".
     	Passed on voice vote
          Replace current "Tariffs & Quotas " plank.
	Like subsidies, tariffs and quotas serve only to give  special treatment to favored special interests and to diminish the welfare of consumers and other  individuals as do point-of origin or content regulation. These measures also reduce the scope of  contracts and understanding among different peoples. We therefore support abolition of all trade barriers and all government-sponsored export-promotion programs, as well as the U.S. International Trade Commission and the U.S. Court of International Trade. We affirm this as a unilateral policy, independent of the trade policies of other nations. Concurrent with the adoption of this                   policy shall be the complete and unilateral withdrawal from all international trade agreements including the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) and the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
	Passed on voice vote
	We affirm the right of adults to private choice in consensual sexual activity.  
	Government must neither dictate, prohibit, control, nor encourage any private lifestyle, living arrangement or contractual relationship. 
	We call for repeal of all legislation and government policies intended to condemn, affirm, encourage or discourage sexual lifestyles or any set of attitudes about such lifestyles. 
	Passed on voice vote
	THE WAR ON DRUGS  (I.23 - page 10)
	Move plank on The war on Drugs from #23 to #4 in the section on Individual Rights & Civil Order.
          Renumber current planks 4-22 accordingly.
	Passed on voice vote.
          Add the following sentence to the end of the third paragraph:
	We specifically condemn all government interference in the operation of private businesses, such as restaurants and airlines, by either requiring or prohibiting designated      smoking or non-smoking areas for their employees or their customers.
	Passed on voice vote
          In 4th paragraph, after second sentence add:
	Until such time as the tyrannical and futile drug prohibition is repealed, we advocate immediate reclassification of all drugs, particularly marijuana and heroin, to make them available for medicinal use.
          Rest of paragraph becomes new 5th paragraph.
     	The phrase "by prescription" was removed from the original amendment after a role call vote Aye 220, Nay 197
	The final amendment was passed on voice vote.  
	Change title as indicated above. 
	Individual rights should not be denied, abridged, or enhanced at the expense of other people's rights, on the basis of sex, wealth, race, color, creed, age, national origin, personal habits, political preference, or sexual orientation by the laws at any level of government. Protective labor laws, Selective Service laws, and other laws that violate rights selectively should be repealed entirely rather than be extended to all groups. 
	Discrimination imposed by the government has brought disruption in normal relationships of people, set neighbor against neighbor, created gross injustices, destroyed voluntary communities, and diminished human potential. Anti-discrimination laws enforced by the government are the reverse side of the coin, and will for the same reasons create the same problems. Consequently, we oppose any government attempts to regulate private discrimination, including choices and preferences, in employment, housing, and privately owned businesses. The right to trade includes the right not to trade -- for any reasons whatsoever; the right of association includes the right not to associate, for exercise of the right depends upon mutual consent. 
	Passed on voice vote.
	CHILDREN'S RIGHTS (I.21- page 9) -
	After debate and motions to amend the platform committee's amendment was defeated and a vote to delete the existing plank entirely was passed on a recorded vote of:                         264 aye and 163 nay.
          Replace 2nd and 3rd paragraphs with:
	Recognizing that abortion is a very sensitive issue and that libertarians can hold good-faith views on both sides, we believe the government should be kept entirely out of the question, allowing all individuals to be guided by their own consciences. We oppose all restrictions on the sale of RU486, and on the sale of menstruation-inducing contragestive pills, which block fertilized eggs from attaching themselves to the womb. We oppose legislation restricting or subsidizing women's access to abortion or other reproductive health services; this includes requiring consent of the prospective father, waiting periods, and mandatory indoctrination on fetal development, as well as Medicaid or any other taxpayer funding. It is particularly harsh to force someone who believes that abortion is murder to pay for another's abortion. 
	We also condemn state-mandated abortions. 
	It is the right and obligation of the pregnant woman, not the state, to decide the desirability or appropriateness of prenatal testing, Caesarean births, fetal surgery, voluntary surrogacy arrangements, and/or home births. 
	Passed on voice vote
	Amend the Statement of Principles, by striking out wording as indicated, and adding the phrase "and liberties" where indicated.
	We the members of the Libertarian Party, defend the rights and liberties of the individual.
	We hold that all individuals have the right to exercise sole dominion over their own lives...
	Failed to get 7/8ths of all registered delegates
The Secretary indicated that the following individuals met the 35 signature requirement imposed by the modifications to convention rule 9 passed earlier.
	Irwin Schiff
	Rick Thompkins
	Harry Browne
	Doug Ohmen
Mike Ginsberg nominated Irwin Schiff, with Norma Seigel seconding
George O'Brien nominated Rick Thompkins with John Buttrick seconding
Michael Cloud nominated Harry Browne with Ed Clark, Dave Bergland seconding
Doug Ohmen nominated by Terry Savage with Marion McQuen, Grant Hansen seconding.
Voting results as follows:
 AK Alaska                   3      0      1     0         1    1
 AL Alabama                  6      0      5     0         1    0
 AR Arkansas                 3      0      0     0        18    1
 AZ Arizona                 17      0     55     0         4    0
 CA California             112      2     18    15         1    7
 CO Colorado                22      0      7     0         0    2
 CT Connecticut              9      0      4     0         0    0
 DC Dist. of Columbia        5      1      0     0         2    0
 DE Delaware                 3      0     21     0         0    1
 FL Florida                 28      0     11     0         0    2
 GA Georgia                 16      0      3     0         0    1
 HI Hawaii                   3      0      0     0         0    0
 IA Iowa                     5      0      0     0         0    0
 ID Idaho                    3      0      0     0         0    0
 IL Illinois                25      3     17     0         4    0
 IN Indiana                 13      0     15     0         0    0
 KS Kansas                   7      1      3     1         0    1
 KY Kentucky                 6      0      6     0         0    0
 LA Louisiana                5      1      2     0         0    0
 MA Massachusetts           18      0     10     0         0    1
 MD Maryland                19      1      6     0         4    8
 ME Maine                    6      0      4     0         1    1
 MI Michigan                35      0     27     0         1    7
 MN Minnesota               12      0     11     0         0    1
 MO Missouri                11      0      6     0         2    1
 MS Mississippi              3      0      3     0         0    0
 MT Montana                  2      0      0     0         0    0
 NC North Carolina          12      2      8     0         2    0
 ND North Dakota             1      0      0     0         1    0
 NE Nebraska                 3      0      2     0         0    0
 NH New Hampshire           12      4      7     0         0    2
 NJ New Jersey              25      4     15     1         4    2
 NM New Mexico               6      0      5     0         0    0
 NV Nevada                   8      2      6     0         0    0
 NY New York                29      4     16     0         5    4
 OH Ohio                    23      3     16     0         0    4
 OK Oklahoma                 4      0      1     0         2    1
 OR Oregon                   9      0      8     0         0    1
 PA Pennsylvania            48      1     29     2         8    6
 RI Rhode Island             2      0      1     0         1    0
 SC South Carolina           7      1      3     0         2    0
 SD South Dakota             2      0      2     0         0    0
 TN Tennessee               10      1      9     0         0    0
 TX Texas                   38      0     14     0         4    4
 UT Utah                     5      0      6     0         0    0
 VA Virginia                20      0     14     1         2    0
 VT Vermont                  2      0      2     0         0    0
 WA Washington              25      0      4     0         2    0
 WI Wisconsin               12      1     10     0         0    1
 WV West Virginia            4      0      3     0         1    0
 WY Wyoming                  2      0      0     0         1    0
 Total                       0     32    416    20        74   60
	Write in votes:
		Jo Jorgensen	1
		Jeff Dickert	1
		Non Voting	1
		Douglas Ohmen	20
		Irwin Schiff		32
		Nota			60
		Rick Thompkins	74
		Harry Browne	          416
XI.  Presidential Platform
	Government doesn't work. It can't deliver the mail on time, it doesn't keep our cities safe, it doesn't educate our children.
	Government programs have failed. Government reforms have failed. Democratic and Republican politicians have failed. Government doesn't work.
	Still, whatever the issue, Republican and Democratic politicians propose more government as the answer -- even when, as is usually the case, it is government that has caused the problem.
	Libertarians stand for individual liberty, self-responsibility, and freedom from government -- on all issues at all times. If there's a problem, our first question is not, "How can government solve this problem," but "What government program must be eliminated to improve this situation?" 	We are the only party dedicated to dramatically reducing government -- and doing it now, not in some pie-in-the-sky future year.
	We are the only party that recognizes that the federal government has expanded far beyond the small, limited government envisioned by the Founding Fathers.
	We are the only party that believes the Bill of Rights is an absolute document, to be taken literally. Government has no right to violate the Bill of Rights in any circumstance.
	This means:
	You, and every other person, have the right to speak and write freely -- on paper, on the airwaves, on the Internet -- even if the government and the politicians don't like what you say.
	You have the right to keep and bear arms -- even if some lunatic shoots up a restaurant in Texas.
	You have a right to be safe from unreasonable search and seizure -- even if a DEA agent thinks you fit his profile of a drug dealer.
	You have a right to financial privacy -- even if an IRS agent demands to know everything about you.
	You have a right to the full use of your own property -- even if some bureaucrat wants to declare your backyard a wetlands.
	Because politicians have long disregarded the limitations of the Constitution, the federal government has exploded in size. It is intrusive, oppressive, and obscenely expensive. And we the people suffer from all its failed programs.
	Government doesn't work. Its War on Poverty has expanded poverty. Its War on Drugs has created a huge, illicit drug industry, escalated drug use, and generated a crime wave in every American city.
	Still, politicians of both old political parties insist that the next government program will work, will pay for itself, will improve America, will solve some social problem.
	But government doesn't work.
	The overriding question in this Presidential election is: How can we make the federal government much smaller?
	Democratic and Republican politicians try to pose as supporters of smaller government. But on issue after issue, they still call on government to solve problems.
	The differences among them are trivial. But the differences between their positions and those of Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, are as night and day.
	Passed on voice vote
	1. Reducing Government
	Democratic and Republican politicians are both responsible for the over bloated $1.6 trillion federal government. Republican Presidents and Republican Congresses, Democratic Presidents and Democratic Congresses have all served to make government bigger and bigger and bigger.
	With the exception of the retrenchment period after World War II, every President -- Republican or Democrat -- since Calvin Coolidge has left a government that's bigger than the one he inherited. We have to stop this trend.
	Today, with the American public overwhelmingly anti-politician and anti-government, politicians of both parties try to convince us that they, too, are for "smaller government," "lower taxes," "less regulation." But the specific proposals they make will all lead to bigger government. 
	Democratic politicians play games by "reinventing government," even though every reform they propose makes government bigger and more expensive.
	Republican politicians play games by proposing to close down Departments of the federal government, even though they intend to transfer the functions and expenses of those Departments to other agencies -- leaving government just as big as ever.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, says government doesn't work -- and he wants to remove the federal government immediately and completely from every activity not specified in the Constitution -- education, energy, regulation, crime control, welfare, housing, transportation, health care, agriculture, and all the other areas the federal government has stuck its nose into unconstitutionally over the past 60 years.
	Passed on voice vote
	2. The Income Tax
	The enormous tax increases of 1982, 1983, 1990, and 1993 show that neither of the old parties stands for lower taxes. Republican and Democratic politicians alike are quite willing to raise your taxes anytime, on any pretext.
	Today they try to convince us that they have changed, that "We are all low-taxers now." But their proposals would only rearrange the existing tax burden. Because they have no concrete plans to reduce government significantly, there is no way they can lower your taxes significantly.
	The income tax is the biggest government intrusion into the lives of the American people. It forces every worker to be a bookkeeper, to open his records to the government, to explain his expenses, to fear conviction for a harmless accounting error. Compliance wastes hundreds of billions of dollars. The income tax penalizes savings and creates an enormous drag on the U.S. economy. It is incompatible with a free society.
	We must get rid of hundreds of federal programs, but we can't remove them one at a time, because each program has beneficiaries and supporters who will fight us. We can overcome their resistance only by combining all the spending cuts into a single package that includes the largest tax cut in American history -- the total repeal of the federal income tax. That way most people can see that they'll save far more in taxes than they lose in subsidies.
	By combining the reduction of government with the repeal of the income tax, every voter will know that the price of keeping today's federal programs is to continue paying the income tax. Every voter will know exactly how much he can gain by eliminating the complete package of unconstitutional programs.
	But this isn't what politicians of the two old parties want. They like the power that comes from controlling your income. 
	Democratic politicians like a progressive income tax that's based on the "ability to pay" -- meaning that those who have earned the most by doing the most for others should be penalized the most. But their "progressive" tax rates somehow always hit middle-class Americans the hardest.
	Republican politicians pretend to be helping us by proposing to end the current version of the income tax, and replace it with a giant sales tax -- or with a "flat tax" that contains so many wrinkles, it's actually just another progressive tax. But because they aren't reducing government, they are merely rearranging the same oppressive tax burden.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, wants to end the income tax and abolish the IRS his first year in office and replace them with nothing. By reducing the federal government to its Constitutional functions, we can do away with all direct taxes -- the income, estate, gift, capital gains, and Social Security taxes -- financing national defense and the federal judiciary with the level of tariffs and excise taxes being collected already. Harry Browne makes this offer to every American: Would you give up all your favorite federal programs -- such things as farm subsidies, student loans, the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, and any other programs -- in order to be free of the income tax forever?1
	Passed on voice vote
	3. Social Security
	Social Security is a fraudulent insurance scheme in which the government collects money from you for your retirement and immediately spends the money on something else. All polls show that an overwhelming majority of Americans have little hope of getting back a single dollar for the 15% of their wages they're pouring into it.
	Democratic politicians deny what every working American knows: The Social Security system is bankrupt and close to collapse.
	Republican politicians want to keep Social Security afloat through tax increases and benefit reductions -- including raising the retirement age, invoking a means test, and changing the cost of living index on which yearly changes are calculated.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, knows the only way to avoid the coming Social Security collapse is to get the government completely out of Social Security. He wants to sell trillions of dollars worth of unneeded federal assets to finance the liquidation of Social Security through the purchase of private retirement annuities for the senior citizens who are dependent on Social Security. These people will have guaranteed contracts with private companies who have never broken their promises -- unlike the U.S. Congress. And you will never again have to pay the 15% Social Security tax -- which is really just throwing part of your wages down a rathole.
	Passed on voice vote
	4. Government Spending
	In their Alice-in-Wonderland world, when politicians talk about smaller government, they don't mean a government that is actually smaller. They mean a government that is smaller than some hypothetical government that is much larger than today's government. In other words, to a politician, "smaller government" means government that doesn't grow as fast he wants. 
	Democratic politicians want a "smaller government" that continues to grow by 4% a year.
	Republican politicians want a "smaller government" that continues to grow by 3% a year.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, knows that government doesn't work. He doesn't just want to stop government growth -- he proposes slashing the federal budget 50% the first year as a first step.
	Passed on voice vote
	5. Balanced Budget
	An unbalanced budget isn't just a bookkeeping curiosity. Every debt incurred on your behalf by the politicians means you have to pay a larger interest cost every year. Today we are paying $275 billion a year in interest expense, which means we are continuing to pay for long-since-abandoned, long-forgotten schemes by the politicians of yesteryear -- schemes that were going to make health care more affordable, that were going to improve education, that were going to clean up the environment. The schemes failed, the politicians retired with generous pensions, and we are left paying the interest expense year after year after year.
	We must get rid of that interest expense by retiring the entire federal debt. But first, we must put a stop to the growing debt by balancing the budget immediately. 
	Republican politicians want to increase federal spending for seven more years, pretending that a future Congress will balance the budget by making spending cuts the current Congress is unwilling to make.
	Democratic politicians want to increase federal spending for seven more years, pretending that a future Congress will balance the budget by making spending cuts the current Congress is unwilling to make.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, plans to balance the budget his first year in office by reducing government spending. He also plans to sell off federal assets -- and use the proceeds to pay off the federal debt entirely.
	Passed on voice vote
	6. Welfare
	Prior to the 1960s, the word "welfare" was rarely used in conversation. Instead, people spoke of "charity" -- administered by churches, service clubs, foundations, the United Way, and other agencies. "Welfare" was a small department in the back of City Hall somewhere. The notion that someone could be permanently on the dole was virtually unheard of.
	Today millions of Americans have been consigned to a lifetime of poverty, dependency, disrespect, and hopelessness as permanent wards of the state. The welfare laws, tax laws, minimum wage laws, and other regulations discourage them from leaving welfare to become self-supporting citizens. This is what the American people have received for the trillions of their dollars the politicians have wasted on a bizarre plan to have government do away with poverty. 
	Democratic politicians have various plans to "reform" welfare, even though every previous welfare reform bill has increased the cost and the number of people on welfare.
	Republican politicians want to send federal welfare money to the state governments, tied up in a multitude of strings.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, knows that federal welfare doesn't work. It has consigned millions of Americans to a life of dependency and despair, and it has cost us trillions of dollars. He wants to end it completely and immediately.
	Passed on voice vote
	7. Education
	There is no Constitutional authority for the federal government to be involved in education in any way whatsoever. The growing amounts of money and control coming from Washington have been matched by lower SAT scores, declining standards, more dangerous schools, and generations of Americans who have no basic education in history, geography, the Constitution, mathematics, science, or literature.
	This doesn't bother the politicians, however, because they don't see federal aid to education as a means of raising literacy and knowledge. 
	Democratic politicians want to use federal aid to education as a way to implement their social agenda.
	Republican politicians want to use federal aid to education as a way to implement their social agenda.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, knows that no federal educational program will work, and he wants to get the federal government out of education completely and immediately. The most effective way we can improve education in America is to repeal the income tax, so that you can afford to educate your child your way -- in a private school that offers the curriculum you want, in a religious school that teaches the values in which you believe, or through home-schooling conducted your way.
	Passed on voice vote
	8. Crime & the War on Drugs
	Before there were drug laws in America, there were no drug problems. And prior to the federal government's declaration of War on Drugs in the 1960s, there were no muggers on the street trying to support a $100-a-day habit, no pushers on high school campuses trying to hook children on drugs, no gangs fighting over monopoly drug territories, no drive-by shootings, no crack babies, no overdose problems. Outside of the 14 years during alcohol Prohibition, nothing like this had ever been seen in America. It took the War on Drugs to make it happen. 
	Democratic politicians like the War on Drugs just as it is -- because they love the power it gives the federal government.
	Republican politicians want to accelerate the War on Drugs -- by taking away more of your Constitutional liberties, by taking away more of your privacy, by turning America into more of a police state.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, says the War on Drugs is a total failure. Government can't keep drugs out of the country; it can't even keep drugs out of its own prisons. He wants to end the insane War on Drugs -- which will take the criminal profit out of the illicit drug trade and bring peace to our cities once again. On his first day in office, he will pardon everyone who has been convicted of a non-violent federal drug offense -- to empty the federal prisons of the marijuana smokers and others who are no threat to society, and make room for the truly violent criminals and other thugs who escape prison through early releases and plea bargains to return to the streets and terrorize our citizens.
	Passed on voice vote
	9. Health Care
	Today 51% of all health care dollars in America are spent by government. This has run up the prices of doctor visits, hospital stays, and health insurance -- far outpacing the rate of general inflation. Government has failed utterly to make health care more accessible or affordable. But the politicians see this failure as an excuse to impose even more government upon us. 
	Democratic politicians want to remake the American health-care system in the image of the disastrous European systems, attempting to blame government's failures on the free market.
	Republican politicians pass legislation that will regulate the private health insurance companies out of business, and will lead to the imposition of a "single-payer," Canadian-style health system in America.2
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, says government health care doesn't work and he wants to get government out from between you and your doctor. By getting the federal government completely out of health care, we will have more choices, better health care, and lower prices for doctor visits, hospital stays, and health insurance.
	Passed on voice vote
	10. The Federal Judiciary
	The American judiciary was supposed to protect the American people from politicians and bureaucrats who wanted to overstep the bounds of the Constitution. Instead, the judiciary has been a main part of the trashing of the Constitution. Judges talk about "penumbras" in the Constitution. They say the Constitution is a living, changing document (which really means that it's a dead, meaningless document). They throw out the Bill of Rights on the grounds that the government has a "compelling interest" in overruling it.
	Either the Constitution limits the government or it doesn't. 
	Democratic politicians want the President to appoint judges who will use the law to implement their social agenda.
	Republican politicians want the President to appoint judges who will use the law to implement their social agenda.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, will appoint only judges who consider the Bill of Rights to be a literal, absolute document that allows no exceptions to your right to free speech, freedom of religion, freedom to keep and bear arms, freedom to be secure in your property, safe from search and seizure. He will appoint only judges who take the 9th and 10th amendments seriously, and thus will not tolerate the federal government involving itself in activities not authorized by the Constitution.
	Passed on voice vote
	11. Personal Values
	The Constitution gives the federal government no authority to tell us how to live our lives. However, the politicians will not be restrained. They want to govern every aspect of our existence. 
	Both Democratic and Republican politicians believe that Americans are dysfunctional children who need government to act as their parents. They both seek to impose their values in the most intimate personal and family relationships and admit to no limits on their authority to do so.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, respects the right of all Americans to choose and act on their own personal values, to work together in their families and communities to achieve the goals they set for themselves. Americans throughout their history have proven their ability to solve problems their own way, without government interference.
	Passed on voice vote
	12. Immigration
	At one time, America attracted only those from around the world who were seeking freedom -- freedom from oppressive governments, freedom to build a future for their families through hard work. Today, America attracts too many people who come here only to take advantage of government welfare benefits. 
	Republican politicians want to solve this problem -- created by government -- by putting another layer of government on top of it. They want to keep out the productive people along with the free-loaders, they want to build a wall or a ditch along our borders, and they want to beef up the military to patrol the borders.
	Democratic politicians don't know what they believe on this issue, because the polls aren't conclusive yet.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, wants to dismantle the welfare state -- which will automatically solve our immigration problems. Once there is no more gravy train, the only people who will want to come here will be those who want the freedom to work and to build a better life for their families.
	Passed on voice vote
	13. National Defense & Foreign Policy
	Our government has spent trillions of dollars on the military since World War II, and yet we are completely vulnerable to the whims of any two-bit dictator who can get his hands on a nuclear missile. And by involving ourselves in a multitude of treaties around the world, we are liable to be drawn into World War III by a petty dispute between third-rate powers. 
	Republican politicians believe we must defend our "national interests" by roaming the world in search of trouble. And, somehow, almost anything that happens anywhere is cited as a threat to those national interests. Consequently, the Republicans keep us on the brink of trouble at all times.
	Democratic politicians don't have a clear-cut attitude toward foreign policy. But to prove they're as tough as the Republicans, they put our money and lives on the line in the affairs of other countries all over the world.
	Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate, will bring American troops home to America at once. He will remove us from the entangling alliances that Thomas Jefferson warned us against. He will see to it that America has a proper defense against any missile attack, so that we will no longer need retaliatory weapons and intimidating military power. We will be far safer than we are now, while spending far less money on the military.
	Passed on voice vote
	The overriding issue this election year is smaller government.
	And on that issue, there is no real difference between the two old parties -- no difference that could effect a real improvement in your life now.
	Only the Libertarians offer specific, workable, credible proposals to dramatically reduce the size, cost, and intrusiveness of government.
	For years, you may have wasted your vote -- giving it to candidates who have served to make government bigger and bigger. Don't waste your vote again by giving it to candidates like Bob Dole or Bill Clinton, whose entire careers have been devoted to making Big Government bigger.
	It's time to make your vote count for a change -- time to vote for someone who is determined to make government much smaller now.
	If you cast your vote wisely, you can make a difference. But if you don't vote for what you want, you are throwing your vote away.  I	f you want huge tax cuts now, vote for them now.
	If you want huge spending cuts now, vote for them now.
	If you want a balanced budget now, vote for it now.
	In other words, if you want much smaller government now, vote for Harry Browne, the Libertarian candidate for President.
	Stop voting against what you're afraid of, and start voting for what you want.
	Vote for the only candidate who has the will and determination to immediately reduce government to a fraction of its size today.
	Vote to take back your freedom, to take back your life. Vote to end the income tax and abolish the IRS. Vote to keep your earnings in your hands -- to spend, to save, to give away as you see fit.
	Vote to affirm your support for the small and limited Constitutional Government given to us by the Founding Fathers. 	This year, vote for: Harry Browne for President 
	Libertarians for Congress and the Senate
	Libertarians in state and local races.
	This year, don't waste your vote.
	Vote Libertarian.
	Jo Jorgensen nominated by Don Ernsberger seconded by Nancy Lord, Dave Nolan
	Steve Givot moved to suspend the rules and move to a voice vote
	Motion passed on voice vote
	Jo Jorgensen nominated by voice vote
	A counted vote was requested
		Jo Jorgensen		459
		NOTA		  36
XII  Nominations for Chairman
	Gene Cisewski nominated by Bonnie Flickinger 
		seconded by Jesse Markowitz, Don Gorman
	Steve Dasbach nominated by David Bergland, 
		Seconded Linda Comstock, John Brown
	Dean Ahmad nominated NOTA, seconded by Jim Ray, Ernie Hancock
	Vote was recorded by State
	Motion to suspend the rules and have the secretary read the votes passed on voice vote
 AK Alaska                 3     1   4       1        3    0      0     0
 AL Alabama                6         6       6        0    0      0     0
 AR Arkansas               3         3       1        0    0      0     0
 AZ Arizona               17  1     18       0        4   11      0     0
 CA California           112  4    116      41       20    3      3     1
 CO Colorado              22     1  23      16        0    0      0     0
 CT Connecticut            9         9       7        0    0      0     0
 DC Dist. of Columbia      5         5       0        4    0      0     1
 DE Delaware               3         3       2        0    0      0     0
 FL Florida               28  1     21      15        0    2      0     0
 GA Georgia               16  2     18       5        0    0      0     0
 HI Hawaii                 3         3       2        0    1      0     0
 IA Iowa                   5         5       0        0    0      0     0
 ID Idaho                  3         3       0        0    0      0     0
 IL Illinois              25        25       6       15    0      0     0
 IN Indiana               13  2     15      12        0    0      0     2
 KS Kansas                 7         7       4        0    0      0     0
 KY Kentucky               6         6       4        1    0      0     0
 LA Louisiana              5         5       2        1    1      0     0
 MA Massachusetts         18        18       1        8    1      0     0
 MD Maryland              19        19       0       17    2      0     0
 ME Maine                  6         6       3        0    0      0     0
 MI Michigan              35        35      27        6    2      0     0
 MN Minnesota             12        12       6        1    1      0     0
 MO Missouri              11        11       3        6    0      0     0
 MS Mississippi            3         3       0        3    0      0     0
 MT Montana                2         2       0        0    0      0     0
 NE Nebraska               3         3       0        0    0      0     0
 NH New Hampshire         12  1  1  14      10        1    0      0     0
 NJ New Jersey            25  1     26      10       11    5      0     0
 NM New Mexico             6         6       2        1    0      0     0
 NV Nevada                 8  1      9       8        0    0      0     0
 NY New York              29  1     30       8       10    7      0     0
 NC North Carolina        12        12      12        0    0      0     0
 ND North Dakota           1         1       0        1    0      0     0
 OH Ohio                  23        23      16        0    0      0     0
 OK Oklahoma               4         4       2        0    0      0     0
 OR Oregon                 9  1     10       7        1    2      0     0
 PA Pennsylvania          48  2     50       5       38    5      0     0
 RI Rhode Island           2         2       0        0    0      0     0
 SC South Carolina         7         7       1        0    0      0     0
 SD South Dakota           2         2       2        1    0      0     0
 TN Tennessee             10        10       8        0    1      0     0
 TX Texas                 38  2     40      13        4    0      0     0
 UT Utah                   5  1      6       4        0    0      1     0
 VA Virginia              20        20      11        7    1      0     0
 VT Vermont                2         2       2        0    0      0     0
 WA Washington            25  1     26       6        1    0      0     0
 WI Wisconsin             12        12       0       12    0      0     0
 WV West Virginia          4         4       4        0    0      0     0
 WY Wyoming                2         2       1        0    0      0     0
    Total                706 21  3 730     296      177   45      4     4
XIII  Nominations for Vice-Chair
	Karen Allard nominated from floor
	Motion to suspend rules for a voice vote passed on voice vote
	Karen Allard elected by voice vote
XIV  Nominations for Secretary
	Gary Johnson nominated from the floor	 
	Motion to suspend rules for a voice vote passed on voice vote
	Gary Johnson elected by voice vote
XV  Nominations for Treasurer
	Hugh Butler nominated from the floor
	Standing vote requested
	Hugh Butler elected by standing vote
XVI    Nominations for At-Large LNC  Representatives
	The following individuals were nominated from the floor:
		Steve Winter
		Gary Fincher
		Ron Crickenberger
		Sharon Ayres
		Steve Givot
		Bill Hall
 ST NAME                 D96 XO PV TOT  SW  GF  RC  SA  SG  BH NOTA
 AK Alaska                 3     1   4
 AL Alabama                6         6   4       4   3   4   4    1
 AR Arkansas               3         3   1       1   1   1   1
 AZ Arizona               17  1     18   1   1   2       1   2
 CA California           112  4    116  41  19  49  39  36  52
 CO Colorado              22     1  23   9       8   8   5   8    1
 CT Connecticut            9         9   6       4   6   5   5    2
 DC Dist. of Columbia      5         5   5   1   5   1   1   4
 DE Delaware               3         3   1       1           1
 FL Florida               28  1     29  12   1  11  12  11  12    1
 GA Georgia               16  2     18   4       4   4   4   4
 HI Hawaii                 3         3   3       3   3   3   3
 IA Iowa                   5         5
 ID Idaho                  3         3
 IL Illinois              25        25  15  10  13   6  10  17    1
 IN Indiana               13  2     15  11   1  13  12  12  13
 KS Kansas                 7         7   5       6   5   5   4    2
 KY Kentucky               6         6   4       4   4   4   4    1
 LA Louisiana              5         5   3       3   3   3   3
 MA Massachusetts         18        18   4       4   4   2   4
 MD Maryland              19        19  11      15   1  12  16   12
 ME Maine                  6         6   3   2   3   2   2   2
 MI Michigan              35        35  11   3  21  15   9  28
 MN Minnesota             12        12   5   1   4   5   5   5
 MO Missouri              11        11   6       6   4   5   4    3
 MS Mississippi            3         3   3       3   3   3   3
 MT Montana                2         2
 NE Nebraska               3         3
 NH New Hampshire         12  1  1  14  10       3   1
 NJ New Jersey            25  1     26  14   4  11   8   7  14
 NM New Mexico             6         6   8       8   8   8   7
 NV Nevada                 8  1      9
 NY New York              29  1     30  14   5  12   6   7  11    3
 NC North Carolina        12        12  12   9  12   7  11   9
 ND North Dakota           1         1
 OH Ohio                  23        23   7   3  10   9   8  10
 OK Oklahoma               4         4   2   2   2   1   1   2
 OR Oregon                 9  1     10   6       7   7   4   4    4
 PA Pennsylvania          48  2     50  12   4  18   8  12  22    3
 RI Rhode Island           2         2
 SC South Carolina         7         7   1       1       1   1
 SD South Dakota           2         2   2   1   2   2   1   2
 TN Tennessee             10        10   5       5   5   5   5
 TX Texas                 38  2     40  10   6  15  12  11  14
 UT Utah                   5  1      6   5       5   5   5   5
 VA Virginia              20        20  15   3  16  10  14  16    6
 VT Vermont                2         2   2       2   1   1   2
 WA Washington            25  1     26   6   2       6   7   6    1
 WI Wisconsin             12        12  12  12  12          12   12
 WV West Virginia          4         4   4   3   4   1   4   4
 WY Wyoming                2         2   1       1           1    1
                         706 21  3 730 316  96 333 238 250 346   54
Vote totals:		Steve Winter		316	elected
			Gary Fincher		096
			Ron Crickenberger	333	elected
			Sharon Ayres		230	elected
			Steve Givot		250	elected
			Bill Hall		346	elected
 	Write ins	Ken Prazak 1,
			Natalie Lloyd 1
			Jackie Bradbury 1		
XVII  Regions and Representatives
	Region 1	CA, OR, WA, HI
		Joe Dehn, Paul Smith
		Scott Lieberman, Terry Savage
	Region 2	MD, DC, VA, WV, CO, UT, NV, MT, WY, ID
		Chris Gardinier
		Bennet Rutledge
	Region 3	MI, IN, OH, KY
		Ken Bisson
		Donald Gallick
	Region 4	NC, SC, GA, FL, AL, MS, TN
		Candy Copas
		Gary Illardi
	Region 5	PA, NJ, DE
		Tim Moir
		Dan Karlan
	Region 6	NY, RI, CT, NH, VT, ME, MA
		Mark Tunewitz
		Joe Brennen
	Region 7	KS, NE, ND, SD, IA, MN, MO, IL, WI
		Bob Franke
		Mike Ginsberg
	Region 8	AZ, NM, LA, TX, OK, AR
		Geoff Neale
		Lynn Atherton
XVIII  Nominations for Judicial Committee
	The following were nominated from the floor:
		Steve Linnbary
		Wayne Dougherty
		William McMillen
		Ed Clark
		Steve Dillon
		Dave Nolan
		Bruce Lagasse
		Jackie Bradbury
		Bruce Baechler

 ST NAME                 D96 XO PV TOT  SL  WD  WM  EC  DN  BL  SD  JB  BB
 AK Alaska                 3     1   4   1   1   1   1   1       1   1
 AL Alabama                6         6
 AR Arkansas               3         3
 AZ Arizona               17  1     18   2   1   2           1   1   1   2
 CA California           112  4    116   1   2   6  14  14  17   6   8   7
 CO Colorado              22     1  23           3   6   6   2   3   6   4
 CT Connecticut            9         9
 DC Dist. of Columbia      5         5   3   1   4   1   2   3   4   1   4
 DE Delaware               3         3               1   1   1           1
 FL Florida               28  1     29   4   4   6   5   5   1   5   5   3
 GA Georgia               16  2     18               3   4       2   2   4
 HI Hawaii                 3         3           3   3   3   3   3   3   3
 IA Iowa                   5         5
 ID Idaho                  3         3
 IL Illinois              25        25   1       2   2   2       3   9
 IN Indiana               13  2     15           1               9   3
 KS Kansas                 7         7   2   2   3   5   3   2   4   3   2
 KY Kentucky               6         6                           2
 LA Louisiana              5       	  5
 MA Massachusetts         18        18   1       1   1   1   1       1   1
 MD Maryland              19        19      17  12   1      10   3  15  15
 ME Maine                  6         6           1   1   1   1   1   1   1
 MI Michigan              35        35   7   2   1  13  15       4  14   9
 MN Minnesota             12        12   2   1   2   2   1   1   2   2   1
 MO Missouri              11        11       3   3   5   5       1   5   4
 MS Mississippi            3         3               2   2   2   2   2   2
 MT Montana                2         2
 NE Nebraska               3         3
 NH New Hampshire         12  1  1  14           1   1   1       1       1
 NJ New Jersey            25  1     26   1   1   2   3   3   2       3   1
 NM New Mexico             6         6
 NV Nevada                 8  1      9               3   3           1   2
 NY New York              29  1     30   6   3  14   4   1   1   2   3  11
 NC North Carolina        12        12   4   4   4   5   5   4       3   5
 ND North Dakota           1         1
 OH Ohio                  23        23   4       4   4   4   4       4   4
 OK Oklahoma               4         4       1       3   3   3   1   1   2
 OR Oregon                 9  1     10   2   2   2   2   2   2   2
 PA Pennsylvania          48  2     50   1       1   2   2   2   1   1
 RI Rhode Island           2         2
 SC South Carolina         7         7
 SD South Dakota           2         2
 TN Tennessee             10        10
 TX Texas                 38  2     40   2   2  12  12  10   4   4   6  13
 UT Utah                   5  1      6           4   4   4   4   4   4   4
 VA Virginia              20        20   2   1   3   8   8   2   4   7   4
 VT Vermont                2         2
 WA Washington            25  1     26           5   4   4   2   2       3
 WI Wisconsin             12        12          12  12  12          12  12
 WV West Virginia          4         4
 WY Wyoming                2         2
        Totals           706 21  3 730  46  48 115 133 128  75  77 127 125
	Totals by Candidate
		Ed Clark		133	elected	
		Dave Nolan		128	elected	
		Jackie Bradbury	127	elected	
		Bruce Baechler	125	elected	
		William McMillen	115	elected	
		Steve Dillon		  77	elected
		Bruce Lagasse	  75	elected
		Wayne Dougherty	  48
		Steve Linnabary	  46	
		Nota			  12
		Bill White		    1
Convention Adjourned.

	Submitted by	John D. Famularo, Secretary