1996 National LP Convention
Convention Committees
Platform Committee
Total of 20 members: ten appointed by the LNC, one each appointed by the ten largest
state affiliates.
- David Nolan, appointed by LNC (Interim Chair)
- Imad-ad-Dean Ahmad, appointed by LNC
- John Asfor, appointed by Florida
- Cecil Bohanon, appointed by LNC
- John Buttrick, appointed by LNC
- Joe Dehn, appointed by LNC
- Donald Gallick, appointed by Ohio
- Henry F. Haller III, appointed by Pennsylvania
- Jimmy Harris, appointed by LNC
- Mark Hinkle, appointed by California
- Jacob G. (Bumper) Hornberger, appointed by LNC
- Bill Macmillan, appointed by New York
- Elizabeth Macron, appointed by New Jersey
- Jay Manifold, appointed by Texas
- Bill Muench, appointed by Illinois
- Timothy O'Brien, appointed by LNC
- Kathleen Jacob Richman, appointed by LNC
- Tom Stahl, appointed by Washington
- Mike Tanner, appointed by LNC
- Raymond Warner, appointed by Michigan
- Max Dollarhite, appointed by Michigan
Credentials Committee
Total of 10 members: five appointed by the LNC, one each appointed by
the five largest state affiliates.
- Gary Johnson, appointed by LNC (Interim Chair)
- Benjamin I. Bachrach, appointed by Michigan
- Jim Boyd, appointed by LNC
- Kevin Delaney, appointed by New York
- Kevin Hagan, appointed by Texas
- Dan Karlan, appointed by LNC
- Eric Lund, appointed by LNC
- Thea McLean, appointed by California
- Lou Stefanelli, appointed by LNC
- Ken Sturzenacker, appointed by Pennsylvania
Bylaws Committee
Total of 10 members, all appointed by the LNC.
- David Bergland (Interim Chair)
- David Aitken
- Karen Allard
- Ruth Bennett
- Jackie Bradbury
- Hugh Butler
- Mary Gingell
- John Paff
- Andy Spiegel
- Steve Winter