CELEBRATE LIBERTY! 1993 LIBERTARIAN PARTY NATIONAL CONVENTION AND POLITICAL EXPO THE MARRIOTT HOTEL AND THE SALT PALACE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH INCLUDES INFORMATION ON DELEGATE DEALS! (Back by Popular Demand!) The convention will be held at the Salt Palace Convention Center and the Marriott Hotel, Salt Lake City, Utah. The business sessions, Karl Hess Institute, and Political Expo are at the Salt Palace; breakfasts, parties, and banquet are at the Marriott Hotel. Marriott Hotel room rates are $79.00 night, plus 10.5% tax ($87.17 total). This rate is good for one to four persons room occupancy. Double is one or two beds; 3 or 4 people is 2 beds. You can make your reservations direct with the hotel (801-531-0800), or you can purchase your room through one of MGP's payment plans. MGP will provide assistance in matching roommates if requested. August 30, 31, Sept. 1: Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Winning Elections, but Didn't Know Where to Ask! Three days of intensive campaign training conducted by Sal Guzzetta, a 25 year veteran of more than 200 campaigns. Students receive 990 pages of professional campaign manuals. Everything from strategy and targeting to opposition research, fundraising, and field operations. Price: $150 if purchased by May 1, 1993 $175 thereafter August 31 and Sept. 1: Platform, Bylaws, Credentials and National committee meetings. Shoot out in Salt Lake! PLEDGE versus Committee for a Libertarian Majority. Will the party's membership and platform definitions change? Is compromise possible? The Platform and Bylaws committees are responsible for making recommendations to the convention concerning changes in those documents. At this convention, the party will only consider deletions to the platform. The Convention Rules would have to be amended by a 2/3 vote to change this rule. The meetings are open to the public. There is no charge for attending. Sept. 2-5, 1993: Celebrate Liberty! Begins Political Expo Opens Sept. 2, 1993: 9 AM -- Credentials Committee report to the delegates. 10:30 -- Gala Opening Ceremony and Keynote Address by Russell Means. 1:00 -- After lunch break, convention business continues (see "Standing Order of Business" from the "Convention Rules of the Libertarian Party" at the end of this document. Karl Hess Institute of Libertarian Politics Begins, runs in tandem with the business sessions. Sept. 3, 1993: Dawns Early Light, Green Dragon Inn (morning and evening), with Karl Hess Institute and convention business in between. Sept. 4, 1993: Dawns Early Light, Freedom Rock '93, Karl Hess Institute, convention business. Sept. 5, 1993: Dawns Early Light, Convention Banquet, Karl Hess Institute, convention business, Joyful Noise. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS: DAWNS EARLY LIGHT Three great convention breakfasts to start your days right, featuring science fiction author L. Neil Smith, psychiatrist and author Dr. Thomas Szasz, and South African Libertarian leader Frances Kendall. GREEN DRAGON INN "Opening night" party, named after the famous inn where Sam Adams and his crowd plotted trouble for the British over pints of ale and beer. Music, food, drink, and comedy. FREEDOM ROCK '93 Free downtown rock concert Friday night, with drum circle, comic Tim Slagle, Middle Eastern dancer, reggae, and local classic rock-n-roll bands. Will be widely publicized in the local area. Major outreach opportunity. BANQUET Vivaldi and Mozart, fine dining, in the elegant Marriott Grand Ballroom (black tie optional). Dancing follows. POLITICAL EXPO Exhibits and vendors. FREE admission. Event will be widely publicized in local area for maximum draw. Major Outreach opportunity. KARL HESS INSTITUTE OF LIBERTARIAN POLITICS Workshops, speakers, roundtable discussions in these areas: LIBERTY: NEXT GENERATION High school and college age Libertarians talk about what matters to them and the 20- something generation. AGENDA 2000 Considers key issues of the 1990s. Environment. Health Care. 21st Century Economics. Drug War. Second Amendment. Social Services. Foreign Policy. Crime & Violence. AIDS. THE GREAT DEBATE LP Strategy and tactics. Media. Ballot Access. Initiatives. Feminist Issues. Presidential Campaigns. LP Elected Officials. Grassroots. Early look at the 1996 presidential nomination. VALUES FOR THE 90s Community. Children. Abundance. Home Schooling. Religion and Liberty. Race. CAMPUS FOCUS Organizing. Academia. Blue Collar Youth. CONVENTION PACKAGE DESCRIPTIONS AND PRICES TOTAL EVENT: All activities, Aug. 30-Sept. 5, $400, including 3 day candidate training Full Celebration: All convention activities, Sept. 2-5, $300 Late Riser No breakfasts, everything else Sept. 2-5, $250 Thrift No breakfasts or banquet, $150 Issues Focus Karl Hess Institute, $125 Basic Convention packet, souvenirs, two Karl Hess Institute speakers Free Political Expo, Access to convention hall, Keynote Address, Joyful Noise, Freedom Rock '93, three free outreach speakers. PLEASE NOTE: -- PRICES INCREASE MAY 1, 1993 -- Special student prices are available to anyone under 25 years of age or who is enrolled in a college or university. -- Six and seven month payment plans are available which can include housing (if requested). -- To add the three day candidate training to any package below (except "Total Event"), add $150 to the price. -- All prices are in U.S. dollars. -- Advertising is available in the convention program; exhibits and sponsorships are available for the Political Expo. Free Political Expo admission and MGP promotions will draw visitors from the surrounding community (one million people live within a 30 minute drive of the Expo). -- If your special interest group, organization, committee, or cause would like to schedule space for a presentation, contact us. -- MGP conducts a drawing each month and gives away FREE hotel nights. The sooner you register, the more chances you have to win. -- Roommate match service available upon request. OTHER EVENTS: "Anti-Federalist Two" MGP sponsored writing contest. June submission deadline. Contact MGP for prospectus. "The Libertarian Games" Friendly competition -- marksmanship, computer programming, chess, maybe more. Libertarians for Gay & Lesbian Concerns Business meeting, social night, sponsored by LGLC. ??? YOUR EVENT CAN BE LISTED HERE. Contact MGP for details. ATTENTION COLLEGE STUDENTS! Special discounts are available for college and high school students. We will work on casual housing opportunities for the "Poverty Caucus". College Libertarians will meet at Celebrate Liberty! and discuss the future of their movement on campuses. Contact MGP for more details. LIST OF SPEAKERS (as of March 14, 1993): Dean Ahmad Jim Hudler Sheldon Richman Karen Allard Jeff Hummel Kathleen Richman Rick Arnold Alexander Joseph Dan Rosenthal Dr. George Ayittey Frances Kendall Dr. Mary Ruwart Alan Boch Martin Luther King Dagny Sharon Richard Boddie Me-Me King Jane Shaw Gus Dizerega Henry Lamb Sandy Shaw Larry Dodge Amy Lassen L. Neil Smith Dr. Richard Ebeling Scott Lieberman Eric Sterling Don Ernsberger Dr. Nancy Lord Dr. Richard Stroup Bill Evers Russell Means Dr. Thomas Szasz Bonnie Flickenger Vince Miller Michael Tanner John Fund Maury Modine Sojourner Truth Doris Gordon David Nolan Yuri Tuvim Leon Hadar Randall O'Toole Bob Waldrop Patrick Henry James Ostrowski Terree Wasley Karl Hess Dirk Pearson Perry Willis Dr. Karl Hess Jr. Bob Poole Richard Winger Jacob Honrberger Carole Ann Rand Jarret Wollstein Brigham Young UPCOMING CONVENTION DEVELOPMENTS! On May 1st, prices increase for convention packages, candidate training, and exhibits/advertising: New prices for convention packages will be: Total Event: $450 Full Celebration: $350 Late Riser: $275 Thrift: $175 Issues Focus: $150 Basic: $30 Free: $0 These prices good through July 2, 1993. BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND! ANNOUNCING THE DELEGATE DEALS! Available May 1, 1993 I: Business Focus: All convention activities except Karl Hess Institute -- $275 II: Delegate Celebration, includes a complete set of Karl Hess Institute audio tapes instead of institute tickets -- $350 STANDING ORDER OF BUSINESS FOR A LIBERTARIAN PARTY CONVENTION 1. Call to order 2. Credentials Committee report 3. Adoption of agenda 4. Treasurer's report 5. Bylaws and Rules Committee report (Non-nominating conventions only) 6. Platform Committee report (At non-Presidential nominating conventions only deletions may be considered.) 7. Nomination of Party candidates for President and Vice-President (in appropriate years) 8. Election of Party Officers and at-large members of the National Committee 9. Election of Judicial Committee 10. Resolutions 11. Other business FOR QUESTIONS OR COMMENTS, GRUMBLES OR GRINS, SUGGESTIONS OR CRITICISM, AND TO REGISTER, CONTACT: MORNING GLORY PRODUCTIONS, INC. P.O. Box 526175 Salt Lake City, UT 84152 801.582.3318 E-mail: Bob.Waldrop@f418.n104.z1.fidonet.org Make Checks Payable to Morning Glory Productions, Inc.